Fight On

Fight On

Triple Espresso:

Life has a flavor for those who fight; that a life of comfort and shelter will never taste.

Listen, please.

The life of true power and fulfillment is a Warrior's path, and it will never be crowded.

Let's face it, change is hard.

That's why so very few ever do it.

Pulling the talons of the dragon of mediocrity from your throat is hard.

That's why so many die in regret.

The dragon states, "Thou shalt not!"

God's gladiator yells, "Yes I will!"

Whether you realize it or not you're in a constant internal battle between your Higher-Self and your unlimited potential; and your lower-self which clings to the shoreline of the past.

The Warriors path is a life of living on the edge of discomfort.

Of high risk and oh so high reward.

The masses constantly seek comfort and ease and yet are doomed to be an endless seeker NEVER an achiever. Growing weak in body and spirit and mind.

Fight on my Warrior friend, for the battle is intense yet remember the victory is a flavor that most will NEVER taste.

While the masses think TGIF and queue up for movies and drinks and leisure. Let the Warrior within you think TGIF for while you wind down I’m just gearing up!

Think TGIS and S, for the weekends are the days the master is about his work in peace while the masses are MIA.

And the quiet; and the silence; and the lack of distraction; allow the Flow State to ensue all that much easier.

Bersabeh and I have created an online community that meets once per week via Zoom to use the time Life has given to our advantage. Join today and start your #ProjectStayHome ! Details here:

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