By Ken Simmons
The goal of free and fair elections ought to be high on the list of every fair-minded American, but unfortunately, that is not always the case.
Only one party opposes the requirement of Voter I.D. in our national elections, and it’s the Democrat Party. For years they’ve been gas-lighting Americans, telling us that requiring Voter I.D. suppresses voter turnout and disenfranchises Americans in low-income areas.
?However, the unvarnished truth is that it will hinder the millions of illegal aliens from voting, and with 10 to 18 million “illegals” waiting in the wings to vote, legally or not, they’re willing to risk it. The elections in 2020 indicated that many illegal voters cast votes in that election, and the opinion seems to be,
“We got away with it then, and we’ll get away with it again.”
The fact that an I.D. is required for almost everything in today’s society, such as buying medications at your local pharmacy, car and driver registrations in every state, and presenting your I.D. at hospitals, etc. The true reason they continue to demand doing away with Voter I.D. is, if they’re successful, those millions of illegal aliens will be able to vote in our elections, keeping Democrats in power in perpetuity, plain and simple. Anything else is a big fat, bold- faced lie. They know it, the Democrat Party knows it, and Joe Biden certainly knows it. But “the end justifies the means” is their clarion cry. How does one justify lying on such a massive scale without someday having to answer for those lies?
First, it should be noted that the majority of Americans are totally unaware that *69% of Democrats are atheists, and only 13% of Republicans claim to hold atheistic values. Therefore, if lies of this magnitude are part and parcel with the Democrat Party, it should come as no surprise that dismissing those lies on such a massive scale are dismissed so easily. Without any fear of a day of reckoning with the Almighty, it is not unlike the proverbial water off a duck’s back for them to continue to lie over this important voter issue. Their attitude seems to be:
“So what if we have to lie to maintain power, if we don’t have to answer to anyone except the voters, most of whom are ignorant, what difference does it make? At least we’ll be able to keep those ?xx@!!? Republicans out of office for a while longer.”
In this effort, we do not imply that Republicans are unimpeachable bastions of moral character, or that Donald Trump is God’s incarnation of St. Peter on earth, but let’s give a few examples that will highlight the true differences between the two parties.
On February 26, 2019, Senate Democrats blocked a bill put forth by Republicans that would have required criminal penalties for doctors who did not at least attempt to save the life of an infant born during an abortion procedure.
Next, on January 11, 2023, 210 House Democrats again voted against a bill, also passed by Republicans, that would require OBGYN physicians to provide life-giving care to babies who survived an abortion. Their attitude is, “If it was the mother’s intention for the baby to die, we’re going to make damn sure the baby dies.”
The Democrat Party has calculated that defying moral values, and having to risk defying the Almighty in doing so, is less risky than defying atheist Democrats. Their choice: Cater to the Democrats, who do not fear God, and defy God, because they apparently have no fear of facing the Creator. (Oh, if they only knew!)????
Apparently, the left has demonstrated its desire to give a free pass to physicians who ignore their Hippocratic Oath, even if that action is responsible for the death of the unborn. And, since those same physicians no longer fear legal repercussions, they feel they’re off scot-free, without the pesky worries of having to answer to anyone. Their reasoning:
“If defying the Hippocratic oath is no big deal, then defying a God in whom we do not believe is also no big deal.”
The **Democrat Party has shown it has no interest in protecting the lives of unborn children, as they have demonstrated in their recent demands for abortions on-demand, for any reason, and at any time during pregnancy. In the extreme, they’ve decided that denying at least some protection for the lives of the babies who survived an abortion is an acceptable risk. Can anything be more crass, more devoid of a sense of morality, than that being displayed by the Democrat Party of today?
*Statistics provided by the Pew Research Center.
**Democrat Party. This refers to the Democrat Party’s apparatus, and not necessarily to individual Democrats.