Let’s fight everything from the Aging process to Zollinger–Ellison syndrome. That'll fix it for sure. And while we're at it, let's kill pain.

Of course, fighting requires weapons, so let's check out what the medical armamentum has to offer. Ah yes, the options you have are cut, burn and/or poison. (In the name of health, of course). So much for the Hippocratic oath of "first, do no harm".

Of all the multitude of ailments and accidents that can befall you, the one that affects everybody is aging. Make no mistake though, fighting the aging process only serves to accelerate it. The trick is to act in harmony with your innate regenerative and rejuvenatory processes.

Actually, despite the assertions to the contrary by the medical establishment, you CAN slow down the clock and even wind it back - that's what rejuvenate means.

Yep - the popular misconception is that aging = ossification. Fossilising. What it all boils down to is that as you age, you can turn into vinegar (sour and acidic) or schnapps (sweet, potent and high-spirited). It's in your hands.

“Ok”, you may ask, “who are you and why would I listen to what you have to say”? Good question – I expect you to be somewhat sceptical of anyone who professes to be an expert.

Me? 75. And my wife is 44 (yes, that’s a 30 year difference in our age). We live a full and active life in every regard - work, play and study. In addition we’re blessed with a full-on, full-time 11 y.o. daughter. So, what’s our trick?

Well, it’s nothing to do with spartan lifestyles; special dietary routines or nutritional supplements; or being teetotallers living a humdrum kill-joy existence. Quite the contrary - we’re omnivorous. But we eat sensibly and delight in the occasional bout of sensory indulgence.

Another important thing - you are the custodian of your health (not your doctor), so we have little faith in the glorified drug peddlers in white coats. We stay active and productive (and no, we don’t bust our asses doing gym workouts). The thing is, whatever you do, invest yourself in it and do it wholeheartedly.

In other words, I must be doing something right to not just have survived, but to have thrived despite the syringes and arrows of outrageous infection (apologies to Will Shakespeare)! Right?

So, here’s my professional life in a nutshell: a substantial slice of my time and energy over the last fifty years has been invested in studying health (soma, psyche and spirit) from the perspectives of both Western and Eastern medicine (not to mention a swag bag of alternate and new-age modalities). And out of that I have created a therapeutic modality – Kinergetix - that I’ve extensively utilised in clinic.

Kinergetix (aka Kinergy) is in essence an eclectic synergy of the most efficacious evidence-based Eastern and Western mind/body exercise therapies, and has shown itself to be way more effective than anything else available on the market or in clinic for dealing with complex health issues. Furthermore, it has been extensively field-tested and refined over the last twenty years.

This is not just a bunch of physical exercises to make people fitter, skinnier or more pain-free. It is a program designed to rejuvenate, to restore health and functionality, and to develop the cognitive faculties, firm the will, and cultivate character.

Viva la evolution!

If any of this rings your bell, you’re welcome to ring mine and contact me at

[email protected]


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