Not awaiting moments that hold euphoria —frivolous life favors friction to cast out. There's no praise that can provide lubrication for a smooth experience of life. Those suffering from childhood traumas are those inwardly experience a chain of relapse-moments. They aren't open for help. No power they find to maintain their propensity. These are their private realities, as for the reality, they're constantly titled underachiever.
Being abused either physically or emotionally put them onto track of trauma that encloses a potential of a lifetime journey. Neglect, sexual abuse and even incest where an adult family member involves carving them helpless. Childhood trauma is a serious problem causes with unfavorable and negative surroundings where a victim has lived in his or her childhood. Victims are shy to admit. Social phenomena where strength is gained from weaknesses of others adds flavors for disguise. Practical life is brutal. Abusers have drawn epicycles that are twofold. Outwardly, epicycloid that hinders self-worth and self-esteem; Inwardly, sharp tips of hypocycloid touches them with every passing moment. They can't stand with a broken soul.
Childhood trauma has impact on feelings and emotions. Even impaired memories force them to dropout. Lasting impact of even a single traumatic occasion can lead to serious issues of personality growth. The matter's so grave in frontier markets without proper welfare system. There they turns into objects of a petting zoo. Inside they are menagerie of their shattered dreams.
However, various techniques are there to self-heal and here we discuss few of them.
1- No sexual guilt left when a victim identifies the offender. Either law has apprehended the abuser or not, victim should identify them and blame them for a personal use. So, the first thing first, identify the trauma is helpful that pinpoint causes related to bad childhood experience — the very experience that has shaped the proximity where post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) resides. Paying attention to body can help the victim to recognize the cause.
2- Reclaim self-worth and self-esteem by paying attention to emotions can lead to fight better the inner battle. Let themselves feel the emotions they have. That can offer them their self-dignity. Self-dignity is a priceless commodity available freely on personal scale. The step to move forward belongs to them. So no one can help them at first.
3- If possible enough, support can be sought but it may backfire where power of social stratification relies on personal weaknesses. So It can go better to start with a lesser trauma.
4- Maintain daily routine; having balanced-diet and schedule a walk may enrich them to fight better with trauma.
5- Patience with themselves can guarantee to overthrow emotional miseries. Victims can spend time with themselves and provide self-support for emotional development.
Last thing last, a good habit is a proof that a good choice and action someone had taken in past. Replacing bad habits with good can be translate into a series of deliberate actions. Positive choices leads to good habits. That takes time to occur so be friendly with oneself can put others apart. The most companionate healer for a victim can be their own self. Outer world helps them prosper then as it world grows around self-healers.
___ Waad ur Rehman