The Fifth Progress Report of the London Declaration has landed!

The Fifth Progress Report of the London Declaration has landed!

It is with great pleasure that I share the Fifth Progress Report of the London Declaration on neglected tropical diseases with you.

2017 has been a great year for the Uniting to Combat NTDs partnership. We celebrated the 5th anniversary of the London Declaration in January, welcomed over 700 dedicated people to the NTD Summit in Geneva and witnessed country after country eliminate one or more NTDs.

Even on my own continent in Africa, we celebrated Togo becoming the first country in Sub-Saharan Africa to eliminate lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem and we hope many more will follow.

This year, because of the great global momentum on Universal Health Coverage, we carry a special focus on how NTD programmes can be a gateway to UHC. I agree with the words of Dr Tedros in his welcome message of the report:

“If we are serious about universal health coverage, we must intensify our efforts and our commitment to control, eliminate or eradicate these diseases by 2020.”

Some of the key highlights of the report include:

  • 1 billion people received treatment for at least one NTD in 2016
  • 400 million people no longer need preventive chemotherapy treatment
  • A Guinness World Record-breaking drug donation programme

I encourage all of you to check out our report, reflect on a wonderful year and join us in 2018 as we continue on the path to the defeat these diseases and improve the lives of over a billion people.

That you for the Report



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