The Fifth Commemoration on The Right to Be Healthy (2018 - 2023);
The Circadian Clock, Is it a stop watch?

The Fifth Commemoration on The Right to Be Healthy (2018 - 2023); The Circadian Clock, Is it a stop watch?

There is a clock in our bodies. This internal timing system which following the day and night nearly 24 hours rhythm (mostly 25 hours) or the circadian rhythm, is called as the “circadian clock”. If we see a 12 h clock hanging on the wall. Nope ... It’s a 12 h rhythm and the internal clock does have around 24 h rhythm. Is it a double of 12 h? No way... The 24 h rhythm differentiates the internal body’s activities during the day (12 h) and the night (12 h) and this 24 h rhythm is guarded by the trio group of scavengers. They are Tryptophan (an essential protein and an antioxidant), Serotonin (a neurohormone and antioxidant) and Melatonin (a neurohormone and antioxidant). Our bodies need Tryptophan from the meals to make Serotonin. This Serotonin is needed to make Melatonin and this trio works under a full 24 h rhythm. Mostly, the production of Melatonin from the Pineal Gland in our brain occurs during the night time (sleep time). Feeling sleepy (drowsiness) is the sign of Melatonin distribution from the Pineal Gland. If one has ever experienced with “migraine”, it means that the body needs more Serotonin as well as Melatonin to defeat the migraine and therefore, more meals containing the Tryptophan should be consumed every day for the migraine patients. Our body can’t make its own Tryptophan.


As the internal body has 25 hours in a cycle of the rhythm, while the earth planet has 24 h on ?its daily revolution. To synchronize this difference, the circadian clock in our bodies needs to be reset. A “zeitgeber” (the “time giver” from external clues, especially as the solar light) will inform to the body, the right time to restart. The synchronization process occurs every day at all level of body, organ, tissue and cells. Do we organize the process??So, who is the leader of the body??Ups! (the orchestra on resetting always plays in it’s own dimension and ignores us the owner of the body).


On the fifth commemoration of the right to be healthy (18 April 2018 – 18 April 2023) this year, it coincides with the fasting month of Ramadhan in Muslim world. The Holy Quran is the top reading for the Muslim during the Ramadhan. The Holy Quran mentions the events of the night and day on many verses. Amazingly, there are some verses mention about the Melatonin existence and function in our bodies implicitly, as below ;


The Holy Quran Surah Al-Anfal (8;11), The part of the verse is translated into English as,

[Remember] when He overwhelmed you with drowsiness [giving] security from Him”...


The Holy Quran Surah Ali-Imran (3;154) ?The part of the verse is translated into English as,

Then after distress, He sent down upon you security [in the form of] drowsiness, overcoming a faction of you” ...


There is a verse which takes on my attention in the Holy Quran Surah Al-An’am (6;60) , (The verse is translated into English as),


:And it is He who takes your souls by night and knows what you have committed by day. Then He revives you therein [i.e., by day] that a specified term may be fulfilled. Then to Him will be your return; then He will inform you about what you used to do.

If the circadian clock counts the time of the night and day until the specified term is fulfilled (the bold words of the translation), does it inform to us about the death time of the owner of the body? Is it the circadian clock a stop watch in our bodies?


I have read hundreds articles on the research journals about the circadian rhythm and its relation to the diseases in human body, Tryptophan, Serotonin and Melatonin, sleep – wake cycle and the circadian clock as well. I’m writing an article about: ”Why should heavy cholesterol foods be avoided by the heart diseases’ patients on their breakfast”? Actually, I want to make a YouTube Channel about the natural treatment of the heart diseases, do you agree?


Back to the circadian clock, the transhuman program might get the idea to change the machine of human ?circadian clock by the Galapagos giant tortolses to have more life. But, I believe that the Only Almighty God created the circadian clock in our bodies within the right algorithm. Wallahu A’lam bishawab!


Thanks... for any support... my friends... and?#staybeingsurvivors !




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