The Fifth Bitcoin Epoch

The Fifth Bitcoin Epoch

Welcome to the Swan Signal monthly newsletter, and welcome to the fifth Bitcoin epoch.

The halving happened, Spot Bitcoin ETFs launched in Asia, Bitcoin dropped to $56K as the Fed spooked the market, and now it's back to $63K just days later.

There's a lot to talk about, so let's dive in.

In this month's letter, you'll find:

  • A short essay titled 'The Eras of Bitcoin'
  • The ETF Multiplier Effect
  • Behind-the-scenes updates from the Swan team

Welcome to the Fifth Epoch!

There's been a lot of chatter about recent price movements, but the real story at the outset of this epoch is that Bitcoin's programmatic monetary policy marched ahead as scheduled since the day the network started.

Bitcoin's annual inflation rate was cut in half, and in roughly four years, it will be cut in half again. This certainty and predictability stands in stark contrast to the traditional monetary system.

Still, it’s important to note that for the first time in its 15-year history, Bitcoin has experienced a halving event with prices near an all-time high.?

We’re seeing significant institutional interest, which is fanning the flames of an earlier-than-expected bull market.

There’s record debt and liquidity in the broader markets as people are trying to figure out where they can park assets in a high-inflationary environment.

But to appreciate the fifth Epoch, let's reflect on the 4 previous Epochs that led us here.

The Eras of Bitcoin

The history of Bitcoin can be viewed through the lens of its four-year cycles, commonly referred to as “halving epochs.”?

Halving epochs last for about four years and end when the reward for mining Bitcoin is cut in half, and a new epoch begins.?

The end of this epoch is just a few weeks away and the mining reward will fall from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC per block.?

By 2034, during the 7th epoch, over 99% of all Bitcoin to ever exist will have been mined.

Bitcoin’s fixed monetary policy and issuance rate stand in stark contrast to Central banks, who print money in unpredictable quantities, ultimately robbing you of your purchasing power.

Below is a brief history lesson on what transpired during the first four epochs (over 15 years!) and what we can expect in the years to come.

Genesis Epoch (2009-2012)

Max: $29.02

Min: $0.00

Average: $9.53

Milestones: Bitcoin was born amidst the Great Financial Crisis. Satoshi mined the Genesis block. Bitcoin is officially priced in USD and other currencies.

The "Genesis Epoch" (2009-2012) began with the creation of the Genesis block on January 3rd, 2009, mined by Satoshi Nakamoto.

It would not be until May 22, 2010, that the first commercial transaction took place. That day, Laszlo Hanyecz made history by purchasing two large pizzas for 10,000 BTC.?

That transaction valued each Bitcoin at roughly $.002 at the time.?

Today, that same 10,000 BTC would be valued at over $690M.

This transaction established Bitcoin's first known price and moved the nascent technology from a novelty to an actual currency.?

During this epoch,, Mt. Gox, an early Bitcoin exchange, emerged and provided users with a platform to trade between fiat currency and Bitcoin.

The earliest investors in Bitcoin included the libertarians and cypherpunks, and tech enthusiasts looking for an alternative to traditional banking.?

The Genesis epoch also saw the establishment of the Silk Road, a digital darknet marketplace that accepted Bitcoin for payment.?

While controversial, it provided Bitcoin a testing ground to demonstrate its ability to facilitate transactions effectively.??

The primary communication platform for Bitcoin then was, where most of Satoshi’s writings still reside.?

Satoshi disappeared during this era, his last post was dated December 10, 2010.

The Expansion Epoch (2012-2016)

Max: $1,163

Min: $13

Average: $588

Milestones: Mt. Gox collapsed. The first ASICs hit the market.

The "Expansion Epoch" (2012-2016) was significant due to the way security and trust in the network were tested.?

This period was marked by the collapse of Mt. Gox in 2014 due to poor accounting and security practices, resulting in the loss of 850,000 BTC.?

People with coins on Mt. Gox at the time are still awaiting (partial) settlement of their claims ten years later.?

As we say in Bitcoin, “Not your keys, not your coins.”

This period also marked the infamous “bear whale,” who attempted to market sell a significant amount of Bitcoin in one day (30,000 BTC), exerting significant sell pressure on the price at that time.

This epoch also saw the first mining ASICs hit the market, initially mere USB sticks that delivered one Gigahash of hash power.?

Thanks to ASICs, by February 2016, the Bitcoin network's computing power surpassed one exahash per second (EH/s) for the first time.?

For comparison, Swan Mining recently stood up over 7 EH/s in less than one year, while the entire network stands at well over 500 EH/s today.

We’ve come a long way…

The Blocksize Wars Epoch (2016-2020)

Max: $19,666

Min: $352

Average: $6,123

Milestones: The scaling dilemma was resolved.

The “Blocksize Wars Epoch” (2016-2020) challenged Bitcoin’s resiliency and independence.?

The community debated how to scale the network to support more transactions and over who, if anyone, could control Bitcoin.?

The technological debate centered on scaling Bitcoin by either developing a second layer like the Lightning Network or by only increasing block size. However, of equal importance, the battle lines were drawn between users of Bitcoin and the largest companies and miners in the space.?

Ultimately, the users were victorious, and several corporate opponents forked away from Bitcoin, creating a different coin called Bitcoin Cash — a move that cost them billions of dollars.

This epoch also saw the emergence of the ICO craze. As Bitcoin gained popularity, various affinity scams were created in the form of pre-mined tokens that ultimately became a very bad investment.

The lure of a quick buck incentivized the creation of many companies that came under regulatory scrutiny and criminal charges, for example FTX, Luna, and Hex..

Bitcoin, not crypto.

The Institutional Epoch (2020-2024)

Max: $73,835 (so far)

Min: $3,850

Average: $38,842

Milestones: Public companies began acquiring Bitcoin. Nation-state adoption began. The approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs.?

The fourth epoch (2020-2024) has been defined by the early stages of corporate and nation-state adoption.

In the early 2020s, corporations like MicroStrategy and Tesla announced treasury strategies to acquire and hold Bitcoin on their balance sheets.

“I realized I’m on a melting ice cube of $500 million worth of money, the purchasing power is dwindling at 10% to 20% a year, I have to do something.” - Michael Saylor, CEO of MicroStrategy

El Salvador transformed their country during this epoch by adopting Bitcoin as legal tender and setting Bitcoin-friendly policies to drive growth.

Finally, the end of this 4th Bitcoin epoch brought the likes of BlackRock, Fidelity, and the biggest asset managers on the planet into the Bitcoin network through the approval of the first spot Bitcoin ETFs.

It’s likely only the beginning of this wave of institutional interest in the Bitcoin network. However, the 4th epoch will be remembered as the start of this paradigm shift.

The Adoption Epoch (2024-2028)

Possible Milestones (Forecast): Could Bitcoin replace Gold as the world’s most valuable asset? How will institutional adoption expand? Will more G20 countries follow El Salvador's lead? Will more corporations adopt Bitcoin?

In early 2024, Bitcoin looks to put silver in its rearview mirror and establish itself as a top ten global asset by market capitalization.?

It will next set its sights on gold, which has served as the best base money for millennia.

Will it happen in just four years?

Meanwhile, we enter this new epoch with Wall Street accelerating to full momentum.

BlackRock has already accumulated 1% of the total supply on behalf of investors.?

Fidelity is not far behind.?

Institutions and nation-states are just getting started.

Bitcoin is on an S-curve adoption cycle very similar to the early internet - only faster.

During an era of runaway inflation, Bitcoin stands alone in its ability to protect your wealth.

"Bitcoin is the best monetary fuel cell human beings have ever invented." - Rapha Zagury, CIO at Swan Bitcoin

Everything else deteriorates with time, except for Bitcoin.?

How will you position yourself for the upcoming 5th epoch?

The ETF Multiplier Effect

Recently approved spot ETFs are playing a key role in Bitcoin’s near-term price action.

Swan Bitcoin founder and CEO, Cory Klippsten , calls this the “ETF Multiplier Effect.”

This hypothesis posits that the existence of the Bitcoin ETFs leads to multiples of capital flowing into Bitcoin as a whole.

The marketing around the ETFs has only just begun, and we’re already seeing the effects reverberate across the industry.

Many Bitcoin exchanges have announced step-change increases in demand for underlying spot Bitcoin as Wall Street drives the BTC demand curve to the right, but the supply curve stays ever fixed.

ETFs also bring institutional credibility. Investment advisors who could previously ignore Bitcoin now find it necessary to have an opinion on, and to sell, Bitcoin.

A Monetary Awakening

Price talk is all well and good, but it pales in comparison to the broader forces at play here.?

The world is simply experiencing an awakening, becoming increasingly aware of our broken and purposefully complex monetary base layer.?

Bitcoin is better money for a brighter future.

”Bitcoin gives people worldwide access to inflation-resistant savings and permissionless payments.” - Lyn Alden , Independent member of the Swan Board of Directors

Bitcoin Content Showcase

The Swan Halvetime Show with Lyn Alden , Natalie Brunell , and Max Keiser

Leading Bitcoin educators reflect on Bitcoin's halving, its impact, and Bitcoin’s future for the next four years and beyond.

The Legendary Treasure of Satoshi Nakamoto (a film) by Tomer Strolight

This beautiful film explores the mystery of Bitcoin’s anonymous founder and what makes them so special.

The Big Empty (a film) by Blockspace Media?

This film tells the story of Spur, Texas, and its relationship with its newest neighbor, an 800-megawatt Bitcoin mine dubbed 'Helios.'

Highlights from Swan's Bitcoin Content

The Emergence of Bitcoin as Superior Money with Chris Kuiper, CFA

Sam sat down with Chris, Director of Research at Fidelity Digital Assets, for a wide-ranging conversation on Bitcoin and the current state of the market.

The Current State of Bitcoin Mining by Swan Mining?

A broad overview of the Bitcoin mining industry, including how it works and the major players involved.

Behind the Scenes at Swan

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