The fifth annual Shelter Academy will start Oct 5
The fifth annual Shelter Academy is about to take-off! From the 5th until the 8th of October 2015, ten senior planning officers from developing countries will focus on adapting and mitigating climate change in the Netherlands. Together with international experts of Arcadis, the Shelter participants will develop their own case studies and will work on a roadmap in order to improve the situation in their home city or region. On this year’s program are among others workshops and field trips to the cities of Amsterdam and Rotterdam and to the IHS international housing studies at the International Institute of Urban Management of Erasmus University Rotterdam.
The Shelter Academy is an important part of the Shelter program, the partnership between Arcadis and UN-Habitat. The Shelter program also provides a one year follow-up on the Shelter Academy for the participants through the use of international Arcadis experts.
the picture was taken during the Shelter Academy in 2014.