the fiery promise of what can not survive
Beth Benson (She/Her/Hers)
C-Level Executive Assistant, Events Designer, Culture Change Consultant, Employee Engagement Program Design, Speech Writing, Ghostwriting, and Creative Treatments for Big Event Scripts
i don't want to let another day get away without writing...
i love you.
so grateful you are still alive.
thank you
for going to parties
and festivals
and making art
and staying alive.
and thank you for going to the winter of our discontent
and standing with the water protectors
and making something change.
something bulldozing its way across the consciousness of so many willing to frack
and trump
and tolerate the injustices doled out by the one percent
to the rest of what exists
in the majority of hilary voters.
we may be down,
but we are not out.
we may be dying,
because we love music and art making and bay area living
and doing things that can not be done--
but we are,
doing the something that can be done
in the face of these things that
are whirling around in fake news
purporting to be the kind of "get real"
that we
somewhere, there are the souls of the beings who perished--
in the oakland fire--
in all the fires that have ever burned artists
and witches
and wives
and beloved ones
and they are doing what souls do
now that they are free of the body.
they are with prince
and leonard cohen
and david bowie
and the rest of the ones making their way to the other side
of this 2016 life--
and they are uniting with the undead spirit of art
and music
and healing
and love
and wonder
and awe
and whatever else heaven is in their experience--
it can only be here, in my mind,
for me,
while i am here.
but ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for the bliss
they must have felt
in the jam of
for the music
and the scene
and the promise of everything that exists
in secret, underground lairs and labyrinths
when they don't burn up--
that, i pray,
was worth it.
worth the price of admission
and the walk up the stairs
and the hearts,
beating with that way that hearts beat
when every single one of them is beating to the beat of the same music--
inspiring the awe
and joy
and jumping
of the yum
of this thing called
this thing called life.
this thing called miracle.
this thing called each other.
this thing called home--where ever you make it and find it and recognize it in the eyes of the stranger friend that makes the further possible.
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. further.
i was not at that party--though i could have been.
hell, it could have been at my place
in the once upon a time of the poet tree house
when we were trying that thing that people try--
to build community
out of art
and willingness
and broken dreams
and loving promises
that don't have anything to do with commerce
or building codes,
but everything to do with the love of "doing it my way".
i don't know the ghost ship guys.
i scour the pictures of them and the lists...
but i don't think i know anyone on the lists
of the dead or the lost.
i am one degree removed.
my friends have friends who died.
people they knew,
they went to school with,
they loved,
they were inspired by,
they believed in,
they desired to become....
in that way where the "safe" ones
look up at and down on
the edge
of whatever doesn't cut them
how many were a real part of that scene?
how many were tourists?
how many were there on a dare?
how many?
how many?
how many?
how many people loved the thirty six?
is it 36 now?
how many people loved them?
and parents
and grandparents
and teachers
and colleagues
and students in their same middle school classes?
my friend knew one from middle school.
one of the dead.
one of the dead.
i wasn't there.
in part, because my life has moved all the way to the bonfire coast of pacifica--
almost all the way from the fruitvale memories
of failed artist colony,
broken friendships
and dead art dreams.
what dies when things die?
what dies,
like the fruit,
with the onset of the flies?
i am here. now.
i am here.
and i wasn't there--but i was in vegas--
not becoming one of the dead,
but attending to the celebration of life
that was turning 80 and 50 and 25 altogether.
the miracle of my lover's family
and their strange claim of me
as one of their own.
i was dancing.
i was watching the miracle of the dance floor
as we all,
in unison,
myself included,
did the wobble.
i was all smiles as the team of brandy's people--
the trio of brandy's boys
took to the floor
to do what only those who grew up fully celebrated,
wholly seen,
and powerfully loved
can do on a dance floor
populated by the others
that were, likewise,
fully celebrated,
wholly seen
and powerfully loved
with a depth,
with a width,
with a breadth
that is as wide and deep and alive
what a miracle this family is to me.
i was alive in the miracle
and not dead in the flames.
i was alive in the miracle,
not dead in the flames--
though i love what gets burned up in fire--
what gets freed from form--
what gets released--
to go into the air and atmosphere of all things--
the lungs that house the grief
in the part of
a particle of
what is promised
as renewal
which goes up in the flames of over
is one day celebrated in the charcoal
of the artist's
with the spirit and power and truth
of what has been real-eased.
real eased.
i am here now,
with the glass of canned wine and my memories
tapping out this tribute to things now over.
moving in the after midnight,
over the rainbow
of this rich and beauty filled life
that takes me to and from work in a way
that makes me feel
like i
in right alignment.
i remember all i longed for from the streets i walked all over that sacred fruitvale ground.
i bow and kiss the sandstone of these crumbling pacifica cliffs.
i remember. i am grateful.
but for the grace of gawd
and all the gaudiness of a newly elected trump in his tower,
am i
on this side of the ghost ship set ablaze
in the fiery promise of what can not survive
on this side
of the veil.
i let go of what goes away.
i keep just this:
love is everything.
family is everything.
celebrating is the only real thing to do
with each and every
and almost last
keep showing up at the party--
and keep ending up on the dance floor.
there is something to being in the tribe that dances--
whether in a warehouse full of flames in oakland
or in the icy cold of north dakota,
keeping the oil spill out of the water supply--
your lives matter.
your standing matters.
your dancing matters.
your sacrifice matters.
your memories matter.
your work matters.
your celebration
throughout this land
of the living.
(and the dead).
you are
fully celebrated,
wholly seen
and powerfully loved
with a depth,
with a width,
with a breadth
that is as wide and deep and alive
i am grateful.
i am dancing.
now and forever
in memory
of all the beautiful things
about all the beauty full
given to the miracles
of the here and now
and the aftermath
of coming home.
in this air and atmosphere
of mourning
and celebration.
home comings
and home goings