September 2022

September 2022

Welcome to the September edition of FieldNotes, a monthly roundup of our recent articles, webinars, and events.

As you may be aware, we release publications covering various legal topics, from labour + employment to construction to emerging technology and everything in-between. Enjoy the articles below and click through to our website for more!

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Court Provides Important Ruling on Pre-Judgment Interest | In a September 9, 2022 decision,?the Court of King's Bench provided the first ruling on pre-judgment interest since?Insurance (Enhancing Driver Affordability And Care) Amendment Act, 2020, SA 2020, c 36 (the "Insurance Amendment Act") came into force.?This decision includes a helpful overview of the?Minor Injury Regulation?and provides the Court's first ruling on the temporal application of the interest changes set out in the?Insurance (Enhancing Driver Affordability And Care) Amendment Act.

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Exposure for Developers: Potential Liability for Dangerous Defects | In construction law, it is common for anyone actively participating in construction projects to have duties imposed upon them to ensure the work is completed safely and is free from dangerous defects. If there is no evidence of the developer's role in the physical construction of a building, can the developer be liable for construction deficiencies?

Can Surety Bonds be Rescinded Due to a Contractor's Fraudulent Conduct? | Surety bonds are commonplace on construction projects across Canada. They provide assurance that if the principal under the bond (usually a general contractor or major subcontractor) defaults, funds will be available to complete the work and/or pay unpaid subcontractors. But bonds remain, in simple terms, contracts. Can a surety rely on rescission as a means to absolve itself of liability under an otherwise valid bond? A case out of the Ontario Court of Appeal has left this possibility open.

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People, Pets + Parking: Your Condo Building Insurance Questions Answered | Erin Berney and John Gilbert held their bi-monthly webinar series designed for Property Managers based on the challenges seen most frequently: people, pets and parking. This session addressed condo insurance issues, including what the Condo Corporation's Policy cover vs. what an Individual's Policy cover, and what the legal requirements are for insurance.

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Privacy Torts + Vicarious Liability: What Can Organizations Do? | The increase in the value of personal information has brought plenty of business interest. In turn, businesses may have attempted to assess their exposure to liability with entry into such a rapidly growing sector. Many businesses have focused on liability related to collection, use and disclosure of personal information by the business itself, but perhaps fewer have turned their attention to related risks posed by employees. Here, we find a point of intersection between privacy law and vicarious liability.

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Excess Patent Claim Fees Are Coming to Canada - Keep Calm + Carry On | Amendments to Canada’s?Patent Rules, coming into force on October 3, 2022, will introduce excess claim fees into Canada’s patent regime (amongst other changes). If examination of a Canadian patent application is requested?on or after October 3, 2022, excess claim fees may be due if the patent application exceeds 20 claims at the time of requesting examination?or at any time after examination is requested.?


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