Field Work In NGOs
NHOs are characterized by the following Characteristics: a.Non Profitable orientation b.Autonomy from state and its direct control,d.Initiative from the civil society,e.Working for public good on basis of mutual aid,self help and other helping.Increasingly NGOs are professionalizing them. NGOs are hiring professionals like social workers, lawyers,doctors,scientist and management professionals.NGOs are run on formal lines and there are departments handle the work. There is growing awareness and acceptance of the work of NGOs among the people.Socially committed individuals are also opting for a career in this sector.
Functions of NGOs:
- Implemention of developing programme.
- Provisions of services like child care ,counselling and legal aid.
- Mobilizing people to demand services and protest against injustice.
- Advocacy for unrepresented people.
- Creating awareness among people on important issues.
- De-addiction and rehabilitation centers.
- Research.
Practicum in NGOs:
Understanding the NGO,its services and the beneficiaries .The various aspects of aspects of the NGO can be as follows:
- Objective of the organization.
- History of the organization
- Profile of the beneficiaries.
- Geographical area of work.
- Registered under which act.
- Organization structure.
- Source of funding foreign funding.
- People support in form of contribution of funds.
- Infrastructure facilities of the agency.
- Relationship with other agencies like Government Department,Panchayatraj Institution ,and community based organizations.
- Opinion of the beneficiaries and public on the relevance and quality of services.
- Future Plans
The Client and NGO relationship:
- The nature of NGO client relationship.
- The ideology of the NGO and the ideology practice gap.
- The rational for implementing the projects.
- The factors that have bearing to the attaining /not attaining the targets.
- The agency view of the beneficiaries.
- The relationship between the agency and the beneficiaries .
- The way and means how the project is monitored.
- The indicator for evaluation .
- Means of improving cost effective programme implementation.
Understand the client system:
- Socio-economic profile of the client.
- Cultural and psychological that contribute to the problem.
- Factor closing the Problem.
- Government action to solve the problem and its limitations.
- Non Governmental actions to solve the problem.
Article By
Sonam Nayak