Field Survey Forms: Every Measurement Counts
When does a contractor need to fill out a field survey form? In a best-case scenario, we we can simply generate a submittal drawing that the contractor can then verify as good so we can move forward. But that’s only possible if we actually have the model numbers for the existing setup. If your contractor can’t read or find those model numbers, he needs to climb back onto the roof, tape measure in hand, and collect a precise set of measurements that we can use to fabricate the perfect curb adapters and equipment supports for the job.
As you can see from this sample, the Field Survey Form makes this process as error-proof as possible. The contractor picks whichever one of the six rooftop layouts comes closet to the real-life roof situation, listing it as the “orientation number.” From there he measures the various dimensions, categorized by the letters A through K, then records the sum of C through G under “Total.”
Now comes a critical question: Does that total number equal the number given for dimension A? If so, the contractor simply marks which openings correspond to the return and supply passages, and submits the successfully completed form. If not, he’s got to go back and measure each dimension again. Even a three-inch discrepancy will end up delivering a curb adapter that doesn’t fit properly. And if any part of the form is left blank, we just can’t work with it — and it’s back up to the roof with a tape measure again.
So if a customer tries to tell you, “Hey, we wrote down the dimensions, we’ll just send you those,” do yourself and the customer a favor by insisting on a completed, accurate field survey report. You’ll be a hero for looking after their best interests!