Field Service Technician Feature: Jacob Boren
Mitsubishi Critical
Delivering highly reliable, efficient, and purpose-built Uninterruptible Power Supplies and IT Cooling Solutions.
Region: Gulf Region
After 6.5 years in the Air Force, Jacob joined Mitsubishi Electric as a Field Service Technician II where every day "feels like an adventure". We sit down with Jacob to learn more about his time at Mitsubishi Electric- and ask him the world's most controversial questions.
OSHA 10, NFPA 70, CPR Certified, several career certifications through the Air Force
Field Trained
9900D & Samsung Lithium-ion batteries
??What made you want to join the Air Force?
"I wanted to join the Air Force to, first of all, serve my country, but also because of the many opportunities that the military brings.
Looking into what the military provided—technical experience, educational benefits and a list of other cool benefits—I get all of that from being in the service. Beyond those, I get my family healthcare benefits too."
???Where were you based?
"Holloman Air Force base in New Mexico."
??How did you start working in the critical power industry and at Mitsubishi Electric??What drew you to this role?
"My current career field in the Air Force is radar and airfield weather systems. Specifically, I work on an early warning detection radar, but we use high-voltage-high-frequency power, and we kind of manipulate it in a way that allows us to get information. Pretty much what you expect radar to do—see things that are in the sky.
Being exposed to that level of electronics kind of introduced me to that high-powered and more large-scale production.
I was job searching and, when reading about the role at Mitsubishi Electric, I didn't really understand at the time the scale that uninterruptible power supplies go to.
The Field Service Tech role sounded really interesting since it’s so large scale, because I'm just used to seeing the smaller office units where you might want to back up a personal computer. But not necessarily a whole data center or something.
And then also seeing a Field Tech position where it wasn't advertising working out of a shop or, you know, showing up to a building every day. But that it was something that seemed like a new adventure every day; that piqued my interest. So I put in the application and now I'm here!"
??What did you learn during your time in the service that helped you be successful as a Field Service Technician?
"I gained a lot of technical experience in the Air Force that isn't necessarily a one-for-one transfer to Mitsubishi Electric.
But, a lot of standards and practices of being organized and being self-sufficient and self-motivated as an independent worker have helped a lot transferring into Mitsubishi Electric as far as keeping myself and my paperwork and my schedule and sticking to being organized.
I keep those things in mind when I’m on the job site."
??How would you describe the training process?
"There's a heavy emphasis on real life or real-time experience when it comes to training.
A lot of the newer techs that I see get hired on, as well as myself, pretty much within the first week outside of orientation hit the ground running.
Lots of field experience on the job, which actually ends up being really nice when it comes to going through our classroom program where we're sitting down in a controlled environment because then we get to take that on-the-job training in real time and reinforce what we're learning in the classroom.
And it really just opens up that learning and allows us to hit the ground running when it's our time to be independent."
??With a year under your belt, what would you say is the most difficult part of the job, and what is the most rewarding?
"I would say the most difficult part of the job is I sometimes might not know what my next week will look like, as far as the workflow goes.
The jobs come up, and we try our best to project what the week is going to look like, but as different things come up, I might have to move from one location to the next. I may not know where I'm going to be exactly - and sometimes that kind of picks up into a more fast-paced environment.
It also ends up being one of the better aspects of the job because it keeps things interesting as well. I may not be able to take a look and say, 'oh, I know where I'm going to be next month on this exact date.' I also don't have to worry about getting bored of, 'oh, this is the same thing that has been day-in and day-out and nothing's changed.'
So it definitely is something that can be more difficult at times, but also what's good about being in a field tech position.
Oftentimes in this fast-paced environment there's a lot going on, but it’s rewarding when I’m able to look back at my week or month and see how much I've accomplished or see how much I've done and know that I'm making an impact in my field or making an impact that’s positive for our customers or the people that we interact with.
Responding to an emergency after I’ve had a long workday may seem a little stressful, but then once it's done, it's pretty rewarding."
??How would you describe Mitsubishi Electric’s Field Service Team?
"I would definitely say it's a family. We're not necessarily close family. Maybe more like distant relatives, but still family nonetheless. Sometimes, at least for myself, I have some cousins that are super close and they're basically my best friends. And then I have aunts and uncles that I may only see every once in a while, but, no matter what at the end of the day, they’re family.
I can always rely on somebody else in the team and I think that's the greatest aspect of the Mitsubishi Electric’s field service team.
I never feel alone where I'm at. I always have somebody to rely on. Somebody who's not just willing to answer me, but willing to help me out or point me in the right direction to get help if I need it.
I've been able to call technicians that I have never met in person or have only ever seen me on a Teams meeting and, on the first call, give me the answer right away and we’re able to have a good conversation. And I’ve been able to help other people in the field in the same way."
??What advice would you give to a Facility Manager?
"I would say get to know us, the Mitsubishi Electric Techs. Really develop those interpersonal, professional relationships.
Some of the smoothest jobs that I have, when it comes to working with the Facility Managers, are when they've spent the time to just talk with other techs and get to know not only the tech and how they work, but also their processes. Because then when I come in, or we have another tech that has to come in, they have a better expectation of how we work and the standard that we hold ourselves to as well as our equipment.
Putting a name and a little bit of background to that face definitely helps."
??How does preventative maintenance play a role in system reliability?
"Preventative maintenance is a huge responsibility in maintaining the lifespan of the system when it comes to our equipment.
It's engineered and it runs really well, but keeping up with it is just as important as having the system designed to operate well.
Things like keeping it clean and replacing components, to ensure that those components inside of the equipment are going to operate smoothly as we project them to, is seriously important so end user or customers can get the full lifespan out of our equipment."
??What is something you pride yourself on during your UPS preventative maintenance visits?
"Attention to detail.
When it comes to preventative maintenance, we do our best to keep up with cleanliness and keep up with inspections to ensure there's nothing abnormal or try to catch something before anything happens.
And I would say I pride myself in taking that time to actually clean areas that nobody else would think of outside of our field. Taking that time to not only clean it, but to inspect it and know that, when I close everything up, what I’ve done will help it to have long term reliability."
??Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?
"I was born in Las Vegas, NV and I grew up outside of a small town just east of Las Vegas.
Around my freshman year of high school, my family moved here, to Dallas, and that's where I graduated high school and joined the military."
??What is something you are passionate about outside of work?
"I am passionate about woodworking. I definitely enjoy spending time in my garage making custom furniture. More from the ground up rather than just remodeling. But I also do some remodeling of furniture. I enjoy having nice furniture, but don’t necessarily like to go purchase nice furniture, so it’s a good hobby."
??What is a new skill or hobby you’d like to learn?
"Growing up in the mountains, I used to go camping a whole lot and I'd spend a lot of time biking down trails. But I've never actually been mountain biking. Definitely something I think would be really fun to learn. I love the adrenaline rush!"
??It’s 75 degrees and sunny, you’re driving down the road windows down, music blasting – what are you listening to?
"I would just go to Spotify and find an upbeat playlist, hit shuffle, roll the windows down, and just see where it takes me."
??We’re going to tackle the world’s most controversial topics, and we need full justification for your answers. Are you ready?
????Should pineapple go on pizza?
"You know, it's already controversial, so I don't feel like it's any more controversial for me to say that if tomatoes can be considered a fruit, and pineapple's a fruit, then why not just accept it as a pizza topping?"
?? ??Is a hot dog a sandwich?
"Is a Philly cheese steak a sandwich? I feel like if we just put anything between two buns it can be called a sandwich."
????Is cereal a soup?
"I think not- it's got to be hot. Oatmeal could be soup."
????If a dog were to wear pants, should they wear them on two legs or four?
"I've seen pictures of dogs wearing pants and it's absolutely hilarious when they just have them on the back half and then sometimes they'll do the full Halloween costume. They have shirts too and they'll be sleeves in the front. Absolutely hilarious.
But, if we want to get technical, we do say dogs are four-legged creatures. When they wear shoes they where them on all four... We wear pants o two legs so why not dogs wear pangs on four legs?
But for comedic reasons, definitely stick to the two legs - and then you gotta put on the shirt."
???Is water wet?
It's not dry sooo. Can water be any more watery if you add more water to it? Does it make it more wet?
???What is the best advice you have received, personally or professionally?
Some of the best advice that sticks out to me, that I often find myself replaying in my head, is that only I can control my attitude or outward look on life.
I can't pinpoint the exact person who said that. It’s definitely been a collection of people that I feel like I've gotten this kind of advice from.
With so much changing in everybody's life day-to-day and so much happening around the world, when it comes to how we react, obviously we're going to feel emotions and we're going to feel differently about different situations. But the attitude that we project outwardly is definitely something that we can control.
Not that I’m saying it’s an easy thing to do. It definitely isn't. But knowing that it's in our control means we can strive to carry a positive attitude or control our emotions. We can encourage other people or uplift those around us, especially during more difficult times."