Field and Office Massage Business Idea
Pressing, massaging, and manipulating your skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments are referred to as massage. Massage techniques can range from gentle stroking to firm pressure. There are numerous varieties of massage, including the following popular ones:
Relaxation Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Sports Massage, Trigger Point Massage, Swedish Massage, e.t.c.
Massage is commonly regarded as a component of integrative medicine. For various medical diseases and settings, it's increasingly being offered alongside normal treatment.
While additional research is needed to prove the benefits of massage, certain studies have discovered that it may help with the following:
Massage isn't meant to substitute conventional medical care, despite its benefits. Let your doctor know you're trying massage and stick to any treatment regimens you've been given.
When looking for a massage therapist, don't be hesitant to ask the following questions to a possible massage therapist:
With this knowledge, let us examine the business. Normally, Massage is performed indoors either at a spa or at home (home calls). Looking at the life of a typical person, there is a great problem with time and as such people are unable to find much time to visit a massage centre as frequent as they may wish to.
My suggestion is to open up a massage centre that offers quick but highly efficient massages to people on the beach, restaurants, bars, and offices. This model can work when you offer for 10-15 minutes concentrated message either on the shoulders, scalp, or upper back for a start. You can partner with these bars or restaurants and agree to occasionally offer your services to their customers possibly while waiting for their food.
The world is changing and most people spend their time most outside and anyone would pay anything for comfort and peace of mind. Imagine getting say 10 dollars for 12 minutes massage and offering that service to 10 people a day. that is 100 USD daily which is the least you can make daily.
What is required:
When can you start?
Once you have become the first 4 requirements on the "What is required" section.