Field Confidence
By my phrase, "Field Confidence," I am relating a factor that perhaps all of us know, however fleetingly. We also have been using phrases like "in the zone," and more. But what is this perhaps intangible yet utterly valuable resource ... this state of being?
For my part, its mindful preparation-derived readiness in the moment in the current now. How is it achieved? Perhaps it is quite different for each of us and yet, if so, are there yet common denominational aspects?
Health, well-being, compassion, training, education, experience, application of knowledge, foresight/mindsight, resilience and coherence, and positive mental attitude are included in my list. What's in your list?
These aspects and resource perspectives are trainable. Perhaps many of us have been so locked into competition that we've slighted this potential to provide for gain in one another? The Delta-Knight Protective Services online training academy espouses the theory of altruistic benefit and mutual evolution as a central tenet and shared goal for all parts.
Hmmm... a "Round Table" then!