FIBERMAQ - Technologies 4.0 and Expectations
FILAMENT WINDING FIBERMAQ - We are going through a period of turbulence that brings global impacts to the Composites Industry.
From the fluctuation in the price of the main inputs to the scarcity of raw materials in the market.
But, as in all turbulence, the best decision is to proceed, to move forward to cross it, and this has been the keynote of FIBERMAQ's work in this period.
We closed important deals with major manufacturers of composite posts and tubes in the world.
Mitigating the emphasis on a technology aligned with Industry 4.0, we offer the market a modern and complete line of Filament Winding that promotes a high productivity index, through the reduction of manpower and the rational consumption of raw material.
With a high know-how in manufacturing technologies, more than 40 years supplying machinery and equipment for the Composites Industry, we seek to promote to our customers, a valid return on investment.
INJECTORA RTM EVOLUTION ELETRONIC FIBERMAQ - Controlled by PLC, with capacity for up to 50 programs, the new resin injector from FIBERMAQ is another advance of the company in the sense of contributing to the modernization of the plants of the Composite Industry in Brazil.
An equipment already present in large national plants, surprises with the possibilities of supervision of the entire resin injection process, from the level control of the tanks, movement of the pumps, and control of the flow of materials.
It has high precision in the dosages that are carried out through injection pumps driven by independent servomotors.
A true evolution in injection technology for RTM processes.
EXPECTATIONS - We believe in a strategic year for the Composite Industry in Brazil, we perceive a good movement in the pole market, as well as a search for modernization of industrial plants, which affects greater competitiveness for the sector.
In the global scenario, we have noticed significant advances to increase the use of composite materials in the automobile and aviation market, as well as investments in pultrusion technologies, which has led us to seek an important partnership, which we will soon be presenting to Latin America.
We are optimistic and wish health and success to all peers in this important industrial sector.
Tiago Silva, April 2021
+55 81 99221 8234 (WhatsApp)