Fiber optic delay line based on optical switch
Fiber optic delay line?based on optical switch
Principle of?Fiber optic delay line
In all-optical signal processing, optical fiber can realize the functions of signal delay, broadening, interference, etc. The reasonable application of these functions can realize the information processing in the all-optical field. Among them, the Delay function of the optical Fiber can be made into a Fiber optic delay line, taking the ordinary single-mode optical fiber as an example, when the transmission of the optical signal working wavelength of 1550nm, the transmission of 200 meters can achieve a delay of 1μs, and the accompanying insertion loss is only 0.04dB. In comparison, the insertion loss caused by the traditional microwave delay line is dozens of dB, and the optical fiber delay line reduces the insertion loss by nearly 2 orders of magnitude, which significantly improves the competitiveness of the Fiber optic delay line.
In addition,?Fiber?optic delay line?also have the characteristics of small size, light weight, large delay bandwidth product, strong anti-electromagnetic interference ability, and become a strong competitor of microwave delay lines, and can completely replace microwave delay lines in many fields. Compared with the traditional microwave delay line, the optical fiber delay line has a high time bandwidth product, which indicates that the system has a good resolution of frequency measurement, high sensitivity and high signal interception ability, and can meet the requirements of high resolution radar systems such as delay lines. And FDL operating frequency is very high, can be much higher than 100GHz, compared with the surface acoustic wave delay line of hundreds of megahertz operating frequency and CCD delay line of tens of megahertz operating frequency compared with several orders of magnitude, and based on the future communication radar and other systems will shift to the trend of high frequency band, FDL is a significant advantage; In addition, the fiber delay line also has the characteristic that the unit delay loss is independent of frequency. The unique advantages of these fiber optic delay lines undoubtedly prove its potential in signal processing.
Application of?Fiber optic delay line
The basic function of?Fiber optic delay line is to delay the signal, which can realize the function of all-optical storage and shift equality by using the delay, and has a wide range of applications in phased array radar, optical fiber communication system, optical computer system and electronic countermeasures....
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