Fibbers unmasked
DR Tedros Adanom

Fibbers unmasked




It is a matter of time before fabulous fibers that delude the credulous are exposed dragged to the glare of light. When unmasked they will be stripped of the power of meeting ends putting others on the short end of the stick.

At odds with the reality and in contravention to the tangible situation on the ground that the Ethiopian government had seen to the sufficient dispatch of fuel to Mekle in collaboration with concerned global community members, terrorist TPLF barefacedly cry foul that the Tigray State is gasping for fuel for ferrying food aid and the like to people of Tigray hard hit by shortage of basic necessities following the terrorist’s belligerent move to lock horns with the peace votary government.

Odd as it may sound, terrorist TPLF as well steals UN’s fuel tankers meant for facilitating lofty salvaging-humanitarian tasks. Reports show over 500,000 liters of fuel have found their ways into the terrorist depots.

The gap between the sufficient supply of fuel to the state and the claimed dearth proves a paradox that doesn’t sit well with observers who have begun to see for themselves beyond any shadow of doubt that the situation is more than meets the eye.

This fact notwithstanding, WHO’s current director DR.Tedros Adanom, that turns a blind eye to the looting of UN fuel tankers and the barbarism committed in the name of liberation, aspires to hoodwink the global community shedding?crocodile tears that “my fellow comrade in arms under the umbrella of Terrorist TPLF are experiencing setbacks. Let us help them out. Let us see to the dispatch of much-needed fuels to Mekle!”But he is being unmasked by those who can’t take things without a grain of salt. A famous Italian journalist has laid bare his true color throwing light on facts helpful to tell the chalk from the cheese. What a slap on the face the chameleon and his party Terrorist TPLF experienced!

?In sharp contrast to the glaring fact the corridor was open for ferrying aid, terrorist TPLF was badmouthing the government that the latter was erecting hurdles to the humanitarian task. Substantiating facts going to the spot the journalist has cracked the chameleon’s mask.

It does not come as a surprise here if one poses a question why WHO(Its director General) under the jurisdiction of UN condones the stealing of the property of the latter? Is it tacitly supporting a terrorist that lavishes shedding the blood of children and women with a bun in the oven, among others? Is it whitewashing a terrorist that on purpose demolishes health facilities in other states? Here it suffice to allude to a letter?in the same wave length written to WHO’s communication Office ?by ?famous Journalist of Ethiopian Origin that hails from Tigray.

?Like a rabid dog the fanatics adore to pick a fight with abutting states and a neighboring country Eritrea at the same time clamoring for help in a clumsy theatrical way when they suffer a reeling blow. To carry on their evil machinations, beefing up their financial muscles, they channel aids in a wrong way and beg for more. Needles to mention, they don’t bat an eye to the plight and famishment of people of Tigray on whose name they trade.

Congenital liars that is what they are! Back to square one, they try to repeat the ploy they used to hoodwink the global community with back in 1984 to 85 famine. There is a rat to smell! ?As the saying goes “if you fool me once shame on you if you fool me twice shame on me,” Terrorist-TPLF must not be allowed to press ahead with its diabolic bent at the cost of harm to many.//


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