FHWS Logistics Hackathon @ Sch?flein AG
Dr. Karsten Machholz
AI-augmented Professor/advisory board member/ CEO - De-carbonizing Supply Chains & fighting climate change/ ex-CGEY/ (personal views)
Do you face volatile and uncertain customer demands, which have to be fulfilled immediately? Do you have products with a high seasonality? Are some of your main challenges to adopt cost, capital tie-up, warehouse capacities and shift planning to these ever changing figures?
What if you could use your own historical data to predict your future demands (#predictiveanalytic) and seasonalities of different product categories?
3 student teams from the University of Applied Sciences took the challenge from the Sch?flein AG to evaluate history data, analyse correlations (e.g. sales with weather data), check influences of products, customers and different regions and came up with some first, very valuable insights.
"We should definitively move-on and drill- down further on these first promising results" were the comments of #AchimSch?flein, #BerndSch?flein and #ChristophHeller (members of the Board from the Sch?flein AG).
A great thank you to all students, who delivered these results and to #ChristianKraus, #VolkerBr?utigam and #BerndKnobloch for their support.
Very special thanks to #DanielMüller and #BerndAnkenbrand for their great organisation of the entire event. Without them, this new FHWS Hackathon would not have been possible.
So, our joint story will be continued......
(P.S.: Tx a lot for the prices for our teams sponsored by the Sch?flein AG.)