FHFA's Mistake with Debt-to-Income

FHFA's Mistake with Debt-to-Income

In a prior post, I discussed the new system of LLPAs promulgated by the FHFA through Fannie and Freddie Mac. LLPAs, which stand for Loan Level price Adjustments, are costs imposed by the program provider, in this case Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, onto the borrower for certain factors in the borrower’s credit profile. These costs reflect in greater charges or higher interest rates.

The new system of LLPAs is adding DTI (Debt-to-Income) as a factor to pricing. This is going to create enormous headaches at the originator level and both a frustrating and confusing customer experience for many clients. All mortgage professionals at the originator level need to be prepared for this shift. Additionally, since Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac mortgage programs are responsible for the majority of residential mortgages, any laypeople would also benefit from understanding how these agencies continue to complicate the already document and rule heavy residential mortgage process.??

First, in brief, a description of Debt-to-Income (DTI). Debt-to-income is one of the metrics used in the mortgage industry to judge an individual’s credit-worthiness. It is a measure of a person’s qualified income – meaning income as calculated by the underwriter – against their qualified debt – again, meaning debt as determined by the underwriter. Income calculations come in a variety of formulas and scale in complexity with a borrower’s financial profile.

Now, up until recently, with a few exceptions, in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac loans, DTI did not play a part in a borrower’s rate or charges. DTI was used only as a qualifying factor for mortgage programs, meaning that each program had its own DTI threshold which you could not exceed or the loan would be declined. And that was how it should have remained.

DTI is fluid and nuanced, unlike a credit score or loan size. DTI is ultimately determined by an underwriter’s calculations, which makes it somewhat subjective. Making a variable data point a component of the rate-pricing system adds a level of uncertainty for lenders quoting rates and fees to mortgage shoppers and consumers. It will create new difficulties for companies internally and for applicants during their mortgage process.

When it comes to consumers, what the FHFA seems to be intentionally ignoring is that a loan typically does not go to the underwriter at the start of the residential mortgage process. Instead, a client first interacts with a loan officer, who works with the applicant to prepare the application for processing and underwriting but also presents the mortgage company rates and fees. But since the income has yet to be assessed by an underwriter, the quoted price and charges the borrower has received might be invalid. When the loan is underwritten and the true DTI is calculated, this could lead to a change in the rate and fees.?

If you’re a consumer looking to shop for the best rate, this new system undermines you. Unless the Loan Officer has seen your income documentation and had that documentation reviewed by an underwriter, the rate quote they are providing may be inaccurate. Worse yet, this opens the door to unscrupulous behavior. If an honest and dishonest loan officer are competing for a client, a dishonest loan officer might offer a superior quote based on an “optimistic” DTI calculation. How would a client possibly know to consider this in their rate shop? And there is no way to police this behavior – our dishonest Loan Officer can just claim they miscalculated. ?????????????

The change will create turmoil within mortgage companies as well. Underwriters can disagree about DTI. Some underwriters are more conservative than others. Furthermore, the consequence of calculating an erroneously high DTI can be severe, so less experienced underwriters may choose to err on the side of caution. Traditionally, a conservative approach has never threatened a borrower’s rate and fees. Under the new changes, that wariness might add additional costs for a borrower.

This can cause potential conflict between the borrower, loan officer, and underwriter. Industry professionals know this story well. Fighting with an underwriter’s calculation and escalating the loan to management level is a nightmare. This damages inter-company relationships and creates animosity. It is highly stressful for underwriters, who feel pressured to stretch their calculations and “make the loan work”. Additionally, these disagreements create delays which are disruptive for borrowers and often generate paperwork requests and difficult stipulations.?

And over-documentation is another issue, one which the residential mortgage process is already choked by. A good loan officer seeks to reduce document requests by knowing what is necessary to qualify the borrower. This use to mean making sure the borrower documented sufficient income to qualify for their loan program. If DTI becomes a factor in rate and fees, there will be pressure to request documentation for every income source. Or, the borrower might feel pressured to pay off debt to get a better DTI and thus rate (which, by the way, generates yet more document requests). ?

Yet maybe the most frustrating part of all of this is that the interest rate is a component of DTI. DTI factors in your anticipated mortgage payment for the property you are refinancing or buying, so as your interest rate increases this increases you mortgage payment size, so your DTI also rises. So, a borrower may get hit with multiple additional costs if they end up with a higher interest rate which increases their DTI beyond a certain threshold. One possible scenario would be a borrower requesting a higher loan amount, which negatively impacts their rate, which increases their DTI sufficiently to yet again negatively impact their rate. This creates a very frustrating experience where a client has to try to understand the inner workings of the mortgage qualification process as their Loan Officer presents them with confusing – and sometimes seemingly contradictory - options. It’s difficult to articulate to laypeople how tedious and unpleasant this will make things, but mortgage professionals reading this will shiver at the thought.

This new change starts small, with a single new threshold for DTI. As a result, some mortgage professionals might feel that the change is insignificant. However, this could be just the start. If the FHFA feels this change is successful, history shows it will likely expand the policy and create more DTI stratification. Imagine having to contend with a new rate/fee charge for the client every 5% change of DTI? ???

Unfortunately, DTI is a weak metric in general for judging credit worthiness, so to see it added so fundamentally to the LLPA process is disappointing. Though I remain critical of the new LLPA system in general, I’d like to see the FHFA rethink this aspect of it in particular, as withdrawing it would improve not only the borrower’s experience but the day-to-day lives of everyone in the industry.


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