FH AWARD 2024 www.fh.finance (31th Year)

FH AWARD 2024 www.fh.finance (31th Year)


Erik Theden Riksbanken got the Original Financial Hearings Prize now also from Inderes and Christian Levin Traton got the International Prize, with a Wallenberg tousch.

The world started 2024 a bit calmer. The inflation and interest rates came down, and consequently, so did threats of recession for many economies. By the end of this year, threats are still there but are more balanced. However, the Ukraine and Hamas-Israeli conflicts added to the Syria breakdown continue to occupy our minds together with the energy and climate questions. In that matter, the development problems for Northvolt in Sweden have taken much energy from our market.


With that environment, this year has been very focused on the Macro. In that sense, the Swedish Riksbanken and Erik Thedéen have started to restore trust and values with clear and consistent messages that are easy for everyone to follow and understand. Christian Levin at Traton and Scania are, in a way, leading the “Truck” Business together with a lot of other Swedish CEOs of internationally based firms, and he will receive the Wallenberg Prize this year. In the Small Cap section, Ole Kristian Jodahl at Alimak shows the road to the future with the New Heights Program. Micro Cap to the modern mining developer Christer Lindqvist Grangex. The Rookie of the Year goes to Christian Fredriixon at Cibus Nordic, as he leads the company in a new expansion. Finally special prize to Magnus Welander, for the forever energy in Thule.


Per-Erik Holmstr?m的更多文章

