Feynman's letter to an old pupil of his - on the worthwhile of 'humble'? research

Feynman's letter to an old pupil of his - on the worthwhile of 'humble' research

27 October 1964

Mr. David Eisenman

Harvard University

Adams C-56

Cambridge 38, Massachusetts

Dear Mr. Eisenman :

Thank you for your interesting letter describing that wonderful phenomenon. I guess your "zero" is displaced outward but the inner nerve connections are as usual, so you have to "converge" to see parallel. Half way through your letter, I though, "poor guy", but on reading of the manifold advantages that your singular ability has for your [sic], I am going back to the bathroom mirror and practice harder this time, again and again, to see if I can do it too. Evidently you are a genetically advantageous mutation, and we can guess now where the evolution of the human race is headed.


[signed] Richard P. Feynman



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