Feynman Technique Great For Teachers

Feynman Technique Great For Teachers

Richard Feynman and The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique is a powerful learning tool developed by Nobel Prize-winning Physicist Richard Feynman. According to Feynman, the technique is designed to help you learn anything – from Phonics to Physics – by teaching it to someone else.

Here’s how it works:

1) Choose the subject you want to learn about.

2) Find someone who can act as your “student” – this can be a friend, family member or even a camera recording you !

3) Pretend you are teaching your student about the subject. This means explaining things in simple terms and avoiding jargon.

4) As you explain the concepts, identify any areas that are confusing or difficult to understand. These are the areas you need to focus on when studying.

5) Repeat the process until you feel confident in your understanding of the material.

The Feynman Technique is an effective way to learn any subject matter, but it is particularly well-suited for broad topics to split into smaller sub topics . This is because these disciplines often rely heavily on complex terminology and abstract concepts. By breaking down these concepts and explaining them in simple terms, you can better understand and remember them yourself.

?How the Feynman Technique Works

To use the Feynman technique, you first need to identify the key concepts that you want to understand. Once you have identified the key concepts, you need to find a way to explain them in simple terms. This can be done by using analogies, examples, or by breaking down the concepts into smaller pieces.

Once you have explained the concept in simple terms, you need to check if your explanation is correct. You can do this by trying to teach it to someone else or by testing your understanding with questions. If your explanation is not clear or if you are unsure about something, then you need to go back and revise it.

The Feynman technique is an effective way to learn and teach complex topics. It helps you to identify gaps in your understanding and forces you to simplify complicated concepts. By using this technique, you will end up with a deeper understanding of the topic than if you had just tried to memorize facts or equations

Steps to implementing the Feynman Technique in your classroom

Assuming you are a teacher, the Feynman Technique can easily be implemented in your classroom to help your students learn more effectively. Here are four steps to take to start using this technique in your teaching:

1. Choose a topic that you want your students to learn about. This could be something from your curriculum or something extra that you think would be beneficial for them to know.

2. Teach the topic to your students in the usual way, using whatever resources and methods you normally use.

3. Once they have been taught the topic, ask them to explain it back to you in their own words. If they can do this successfully, then they have understood the concept and you can move on. If they struggle, then go back and reteach the topic using a different approach.

4. Finally, test your students on their understanding of the concept by asking them questions about it or setting them a task related to it. By doing this, you can gauge how well they have grasped the material and identify any areas where they may need more help.

?Feynman Technique For Teachers

The Feynman Technique is a great way for students to learn, but it can also be adapted for use by teachers. By breaking down a concept into simple steps, the Feynman Technique can help you to better understand and remember complicated information. When you are teaching, it is important to be able to explain things in a way that your students will understand. However, sometimes the material you are teaching can be complex. This is where the Feynman Technique can come in handy. Named after Nobel Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman, this technique involves breaking down a concept into simple steps to better understand it. You can then use this understanding to explain the concept to your students in a way that they will be able to understand and remember.


The Feynman Technique is named after the physicist Richard Feynman, who was known for his ability to explain complex topics in a simple and concise way. The technique involves breaking down a topic into small, manageable parts and then teaching each part separately. Once all the parts have been learned, they can be put back together to form a complete understanding of the topic.

The Feynman Technique can be used for any subject, but it is especially helpful for subjects that are difficult to understand or have a lot of moving parts. For example, if you were trying to learn about Phonics, you might break the topic down into different levels according to age, such as letters sound, blending & segmenting, digraphs, basic spelling rules ,tricky words, alternative spelling rules and so on You would than learn about each concept separately in detail before putting them all back together to form a complete understanding of complete course.

The Feynman Technique is an effective way to learn because it allows you to focus on one thing at a time. By breaking down a complicated subject into smaller pieces, you can better understand each individual concept and how it fits into the larger picture. Additionally, the act of teaching each part of the subject to someone else will help you solidify your own understanding.

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a visualization tool that can help you organize your thoughts and ideas. When you mind map, you create a central idea or question, and then brainstorm associated concepts and ideas. You can mind map on paper or using a digital tool like Mind Meister.

Mind mapping can be helpful when you are trying to understand a new concept, when you’re studying for an exam, or when you’re working on a creative project. The visual nature of mind maps can help you see connections between ideas, and the process of creating a mind map can help you generate new ideas.

This works really good in case of ?Grammar.

If you are new to mind mapping, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, start with a central question or topic. Then, let your mind wander and write down any associated concepts or ideas. Do not worry about organizing your thoughts at this stage – just let the ideas flow. Once you have all your ideas down, you can start grouping them into categories. And finally, add details and illustrations to bring your mind map to life!

Color Coding

When it comes to teaching, the Feynman Technique is all about breaking things down into their simplest parts. And one of the best ways to do that is by using color coding.

By breaking down a concept or task into smaller, more manageable pieces and assigning each one a different color, you can help your students better understand and remember what they are learning. Plus, it is a great way to visually organize information for yourself as the teacher!

Here are a few tips for using color coding in your classroom:

1. Use highlighters or colored pencils to code information according to topic, keyword, or anything else that will help you (and your students) keep track of what is important.

2. Write out key points in different colors on index cards or post-it notes and then arrange them in order on a bulletin board or whiteboard. This is especially helpful when organizing material for a presentation or lecture.

3. Get creative and use colored paper, stickers, washi tape, etc. to create colorful study guides or review sheets for your students. They will love the extra effort you put in and be more likely to actually use them!

Do you have any other tips for using color coding in the classroom? Share them with us in the comments below!

Tips for using the Feynman Technique

When using the Feynman Technique, it is important to keep the following tips in mind:

1. Start with a basic understanding of the concept you are trying to learn. This will ensure that you have a solid foundation on which to build your knowledge.

2. Break down the concept into smaller, more manageable pieces. This will make it easier to understand and remember each individual component.

3. Write out your explanation of the concept in simple, easy-to-understand language. This will help to ensure that you fully understand the material yourself and can effectively communicate it to others.

4. Use visuals and posters to supplement your written explanation. This will help to better illustrate the concepts you are trying to explain and make them easier for others to understand as well.

5. Practice explaining the concept to others multiple times. This will help you fine-tune your explanation, and make sure that you are able to effectively communicate it to others.

?Pros and Cons of using the Feynman Technique

There are several advantages to using the Feynman Technique. First, it can help students identify the most important information about a concept. Second, it can make complex concepts easier to understand by breaking them down into simpler steps. Third, the technique can also help students remember information more effectively by linking it to visuals or other concrete examples.

There are also some potential drawbacks to using the Feynman Technique. First, it can be time-consuming to break down a concept into its individual parts. Second, some concepts may be too difficult to simplify using this technique. Finally, some students may find the visual aids used in this technique helpful while others may find them confusing. Overall, the pros and cons of using the Feynman Technique should be considered before deciding whether to use it in the classroom.


The Feynman Technique is a powerful way for teachers to improve their understanding of a subject and to be able to teach it more effectively. By breaking down a subject into its component parts, teachers can identify gaps in their knowledge and fill them in. Additionally, the Feynman Technique can help teachers to better understand how students learn, so that they can adapt their teaching methods accordingly. We hope that you will try out the Feynman Technique in your own teaching and see the benefits for yourself!

Vincent Amari

Senior CRM Consultant

1 年

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci ??


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