Call out fake patriot behaviors

Call out fake patriot behaviors

Latest Linkedin example 1/4/2020: THE TWO TOWERS: NY & CA

George Soros, the Kapoesque, mentally sick, self-hating Megalomaniacal Magyarian Monetizing Mogul of Mayhem has remade the Democratic Party into an bicoastal anti-semitic political machine in his own image. The single-handed 11th hour well intentioned efforts of Michael Bloomberg notwithstanding, the rapidly mutating and highly unstable Democratic Party Mafia cannot be redeemed by any one person. It must therefore be utterly destroyed at the ballot box in November 2020, and given a fatal blow to its metabolic sustenance like a cancer. The stability of our two party system will likely thereupon be restored when the Republicans then split themselves into two parties, just slightly to the right and left of center. Nature abhors a vacuum.

Read Soros’ War Against the Jews to understand the context of this rant. Article published in Frontpage Mag "Inside Every Progressive Is A Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out"

My Reply: The alt-right rant of smearing Dems with Soros is like the alt-left rant of smearing Trump with Hitler. Both are fake patriot behaviors, just like scapegoating Jews. It is clear what you stand against, but what do you stand up for? What is your credo of true patriotism?


The amoral abuse of free speech has created the deep state of fake patriotism to rig and corrupt system against, we, the people, our democracy and our constitution. How can we liberate ourselves from the fabricated fears of propaganda machines, the alt-facts of fake news, fake news addictions, and politicians with #FakePatriotPersonalityDisorder?

Voters and non-voters have allowed it to happen. We, the people, have failed to vote in true patriots with high standards for truth, integrity and transparent accountability. About 20% and 30% of young people (aged 18–29) voted in the 2014 and 2018 elections respectively, as compared to the overall population of 36% and 47%. Why such a low voter turnout?

Young people have very right to feel disaffected by the political failures of the older generation. But they also hold the keys for the #2020 election. They have the power to unlock the doors for true patriotism. But why do we remain stuck in the swamp of fake patriotism?

Fake patriot personality disorder (#FPPD) arises from the character flaws of megalomania, narcissism and sociopathy. Politicians with #FPPD have a stranglehold on our democratic republic. They have induced their followers into becoming pawns, puppets, parrots and pit bulls, who act against their best interests. They forfeited their rights to be free-thinkers. In the land of liberty, cult leaders use the fake patriot playbook to gain and sustain political power. But why has this playbook been so effective?

Many political leaders employ people with #FPPD to do their dirty work, such as President George Bush Senior did with Lee Atwater. Paradoxically, this ill-fated decision eventually led to the failure of the Bush presidential dynasty. How did Bush senior paved the way for the ascent of Trump?

The amoral abuse of free speech enables corrupt leaders to seize political power and create toxic cultures that attract people with the #FPPD character traits into politics. Politics has become a love feast of megalomania, narcissism and sociopathy for winning at any cost. Such behaviors would be tolerated within moral corporations. The Board of Directors would terminate any executive and employee for using the fake patriot playbook (FPP). Any one has the right to abuse free speech, but the accountability consequences at work and in politics are vastly different. Fake patriot behaviors get people fired at work but they are rewarded in politics. Why does this continue to occur?

What we focus on, we breed. Mainstream and social media (MSM) perpetuate dysfunctional political polarizations to enable fake news addictions. Twitter enables Trump to continue winning his propaganda war. He uses social media network power to sustain his tribal solidarity and loyalty. He has galvanized his minority tribal base into a unified political force that has splintered the middle majority. But how do leaders with #FPPD sustain their political power?

#FPPD politicians exploit hate, anger, paranoia and fear (conscious and unconscious) to manipulate people. These emotions activate the reptilian brain of fight, fright and flight to inhibit the neocortical brain of higher reasoning and rationality. With reptilian control over the neocortex, the emotional center of the limbic brain takes over the mind. In this state of mind, emotions, beliefs, irrationality and animus trump facts, evidence, reasoning and equanimity. This impairs people's ability to self-reflect about their political biases and engage in civil dialogues with people who have different biases. What happens when people regress to such fundamentalist thinking?

People reflexly react with fasting-thinking comments, without the mediating effects of self-reflection and slow thinking. In this attack mode, they made FPP comments, often out of context and without any critical thinking. And yet, they delude themselves into believing that they are free-thinkers, but their mindsets are controlled by propaganda machines without their awareness. What happens when this mob behavior remained unchecked?

Toxicity, magical thinking, anti-science, alt-facts, confabulations (making thinks up) and fictitious conspiracies thrive to create a dystopian culture. In this mob trance of collectivist thinking, people love to hate others and hate to love all. This love of hate betrays the essence of all religious creeds. These religious traitors betray themselves, without being aware of their moral hypocrisy. Their regression into self-righteous fundamentalism renders them incapable of self-awareness and compromise. They cannot see the biases that blind them to truth. What happens when blind extremism takes over?

Die-hard fake patriots fester in conscious states of heightened fear, hate, anger and paranoia. These extreme fanatics are at high-risk of becoming domestic neo-terrorists and terrorists. The difference between a neo-terrorist and a terrorist is that one uses words, and the other uses weapons. How can we address neo-terrorism and prevent neo-terrorism from escalating into domestic terrorism?

Learn about Fake Patriot Playbook (#FPP)

How can we deconstruct the deep of fake patriotism?

Learn from the darkside about how to use twitter and defeat fake patriots at his own game. We must develop better ways of responding to the #FPP, so that we stop enabling the beast of fake news addictions. Ignoring the #FPP only enables fake patriots, just like ignoring a school bully does. We ignore fake patriotism to our peril. Appeasement enables toxicity. What can we do differently?

Only we, the people, can set new norms of political decency and integrity by calling out fake patriot behaviors, vetying out politicians with #FPPD, and voting in true patriots. Fake patriots attack the messenger, and not the message. Reacting personally against fake patriots is only taking their emotional bait. What do #fakepatriots and school bullies fear the most?

Truth and transparent accountability are their greatest threats to their abuse of power. True patriots call out the dirty dozen behaviors to hold fake patriots accountable to the truth.

Call Out the Dirty Dozen

Equanimity is about how our neocortex of our higher brain functioning self-regulates the limbic and reptilian centers (emotional reactivity) of our brain. Emotional reactivity of closed-minded fundamentalism is about how limbic and reptilian centers disable the neocortex from experiencing self-reflection, self-awareness and open-mindedness When questioned, people in the self-righteous state of closed-minded fundamentalism will evade questions, attack others and avoid dialogues. In this state, they will continue to use #FPP. But it is still worth asking questions so that other people can better understand the nature of fake patriotism.

#FPP1: Make unjustified personal accusations such as faulty attributions, snarly derisions, mocking depreciations, arrogant condescensions and infantilizing belittlement (ad hominen attacks).

#FPP2: Condemn the small, trivial or fictitious mistakes of political opponents (feign moral indignation)

#FPP3: Project flaws, faults, weaknesses and negative feelings onto others. (offensive projection)

#FPP4: Elevate themselves by bullying others to gain power (linguistic violence, violations and marginalization)

#FPP5: Blame others for problems (scapegoating)

#FPP6: Smear political opponents’ virtues as flaws (reverse reframe)

#FPP7: Use hyperboles to exaggerate real and fictitious flaws (cognitive over-generalizations and distortions)

#FPP8: Play the victimizing victimization role to perpetuate the manipulative abuse of political power (reverse victimization)

#FPP9: Witch hunt the people who they perceive as witch hunting them (reverse accusation)

#FPP10: Take pleasure in degrading, demeaning, and insulting political opponents (sadistic revenge)

#FPP11: Exaggerate or invent an argument in order to attack the other person and/or their counter-argument (create straw man arguments)

#FPP12: Create non-sequiturs riddled with illogicality, magical thinking and/or double-speak (make racist remarks while denying being a racist)

These #FPP justifies a series of illegitimate argument strategies: making unsubstantiated assumptions about truth, reducing complex issues into either/or options (false dichotomies), making faulty assertions about cause-effect relationships, creating popular assertions based on ignorance, and reversing the burden of proof onto critics.

Call Out Fake Patriot Behaviors

Failing to call out fake patriot behavior only feeds the beast of toxicity: like not stopping school bullying or not throwing out a bad apple. Remaining silence and appeasement normalizes aberrant behaviors.

I shared this article about fake patriot personality disorder with a conservative activist on Linkedin. How would you characterize his responses to this article, using the #FPP categories? Do you disagree with these categorizations?

Trumpite: I think you are confusing your feelings and conclusions with Trump Derangement Syndrome otherwise known as the snowflake mentality and psychosis. (FPP1, FPP11 and FPP12)

My response: Stereotypical alt-right reflex of old talking points. (criticize the relevance and integrity of the message) Show people that you are a free-thinker who is capable of original critical thinking and who can go beyond the dirty dozen fake patriot behaviors. (challenge the messenger to improve their message)

Trumpite: Try taking your own advice (#FPP1: reverse accusation), all you do is go around spreading liberal ad hominem attacks and talking points. (#FPP3: projection about attacking) try growing up and accept realty. btw (#FPP1: infantilizing belittlement and arrogant condescensions) — TDS is no longer just a theory (#FPP11:straw man), it has actually been proven as an actual psychosis. (#FPP12: non-sequitur) You need a lot of help. Once again, you prove my point perfectly — it is no surprise that you and your brethren take your strategy straight from the nazi playbook as Goebbels said “Accuse your enemies of that of which you are guilty.” (FPP3: project flaws, FPP1: belittling) That is EXACTLY what you are doing. (FPP4: lying to bully) May I also remind you that YOU are the one who began this conversation with me out of the blue, so who is the aggressor here? (FPP3: projection of aggression) As I said, you need help. (FPP1: arrogant condescension)


  • Educate people about #FPP by sharing this blog url.
  • Call out fake patriot behaviors on social media by using the hashtags #FPP 1–12, along with this blog link.
  • Learn from one other about how to challenge the #FPP.
  • Host unrig town forums to invite political candidates to debate their credos of true patriotism

These hashtags can also be used for research and evaluation purposes in studying the echo chambers of alt-right and alt-left FPPs and in developing a typology of comments and strategies to counteract each category of FPP.'


Political fundamentalism and educational inequities perpetuate the deep state of systemic fake patriotism. How can we educate people about:



Bloggers, journalists, newspapers, magazines and media outlets have permission to replicate and/or edit this blog post, provided that they make a link to this original article and use the hashtags #FakePatriotPlaybook, #FakePatriotPersonalityDisorder.


Ben Emerson

I am a Creative (noun) — Design ? Strategy ? Communications ? Production

5 年

Love the cadence and fearlessness of this Article, Rick Botelho... Fake patriot personality disorder (#FPPD) is running rampant — let's destroy it.



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