Fewer Traffic Tickets, but More Auto Accidents

Fewer Traffic Tickets, but More Auto Accidents

The High-Stakes of Traffic Stops

With my “Walter Mitty” imagination I picture a burly Viking, clad in a horned helmet and battle axe by his side, gripping the steering wheel of a sedan. 'Olaf the Reckless' just rolled through a stop sign. He glances in the rearview mirror, spotting flashing blue lights. A police officer pulls him over. Olaf’s blood boils. Will he attack or peacefully hand over his license and registration?

Being a police officer conducting traffic stops is like stepping onto a tightrope without a safety net. With each vehicle pulled over, they’re faced with uncertainty—unaware of the driver’s temperament, intentions, or potential risks. It’s a high-stakes event where lives hang in the balance, and we ask these brave officers to do it every day.

The Pandemic Effect: Bad Driving Habits on the Rise

During the pandemic, and after the George Floyd protests, the number of traffic stops plummeted. Empty roads became racetracks, and stop signs turned into mere suggestions. Studies have shown there’s been a dramatic reduction in the enforcement of traffic laws. Post pandemic, the traffic has returned, but here’s the twist: Our bad driving habits didn’t improve. Instead, they festered, unchecked by law enforcement.

The Employer’s Dilemma: Evaluating Driver Skills

Business owners, pay attention! When hiring new employees, obtaining Motor Vehicle Records (MVRs) is crucial. But with fewer traffic stops, those records might not tell the whole story. A pristine MVR doesn’t guarantee stellar driving skills.

Telematics: The Silent Observer

A good telematics program is like having an invisible co-pilot. It monitors drivers for speeding, hard braking, and distracted driving. Now, more than ever, the quality of your employees’ driving rests on your shoulders. For those drivers with poor telematics scores, coaching is essential. And if they don’t respond? Well, discipline—up to and including firing—is necessary.

Your Employees, Your Reputation

Remember, your employees represent your business. Their driving habits impact your success and community reputation. So, until traffic enforcement gets back to more normal levels, be diligent. Evaluate your drivers, encourage safe practices, and ensure your business stays on the right side of the road.

The Hidden Cost: Auto Insurance Premiums

Lastly, consider this: Your business auto loss results significantly influence your insurance premiums. Accidents, even minor ones, can lead to hefty lawsuits. With inflation fueling anger and loneliness lingering from COVID, people are more litigious than ever. Protect your bottom line by prioritizing safe driving with your workers.

And now, as Olaf the Reckless receives his ticket, let’s remember to drive undistracted, under the speed limit, and in control. Imagine an angry Olaf is driving ahead or behind you. Be calm and don’t get goaded into a Viking driving battle. Olaf's goal is to re-unite with other bad drivers in Valhalla.

In our modern story of traffic, our horses are sedans, our armor seat belts, and our quest lies in arriving home safely to our loved ones.

Disclaimer: Opinions are the author’s own. The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Always consult with experts and tailor risk management practices to your specific project needs.


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