A few words with Sam Clift - May 2024

A few words with Sam Clift - May 2024

Thanks for joining us for a check-in with Sam Clift who’s new to the Engage team as author and volunteer. Engage is an online journal for leaders of volunteers and is published by the Susan J. Ellis Foundation.

The below post was originally shared on Sam’s page and is re-shared here for the Engage LinkedIn audience.

How do you motivate your volunteers??

I find this both a simple and very complex question as its so subjective. How do you know what your volunteer motivations are? Are their motivations important to you? Is there a difference between motivations of new volunteers and those involved long term? What about those who volunteer remotely? Do your strategic objectives and priorities reflect what's actually important to your volunteers??

Before you can even dig into this, some of the basics need to be in place:

  • a clear way to capture or discover volunteer motivations
  • a clear role description, expectations, training and support
  • a visible/accessible and contactable line manager
  • opportunities for development and progression
  • celebrating volunteering at every opportunity

Though to really make a difference to volunteer motivations, I find these need to happen:?

  • be genuine and dedicate time to your volunteers - there's no point making promises if you can't keep them and morale will suffer
  • give time and space to listen to volunteers, take action and make sure your volunteer knows the outcome!
  • find out how your volunteers like to be appreciated, then do it
  • motivations don't come wrapped in a bow, so make sure you have several avenues to engage with volunteers, in ways that are effective for them
  • have clear, transparent communication with all volunteers on new opportunities, internal news and updates - they want to be in the loop, not out of it
  • promote volunteer experiences internally to educate those outside of your teams
  • create social opportunities such as events/visits/days out - meeting new people and learning something new is of high value and creates fun memories for volunteers long afterwards
  • invest in staff time and resource to have a high standard of volunteer management across your org - training and ongoing support are essential


What do you do to motivate your volunteers??


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Sam Clift is a passionate leader of volunteering with over a decade of experience in leading and managing volunteers in the arts and heritage sectors in the UK. Clift is currently the Volunteer Resource Manager for London Transport Museum, where he has established a strategic vision and investment in volunteering and created pathways to volunteering for disabled and neurodiverse people.?

Clift is an avid volunteer in both formal and informal settings and supports several national charities, including RSPCA and Olio. He often volunteers with his young children, supporting conservation groups and litter picking in the local area.?

Clift was named Heritage Volunteering Group's Volunteer Leader of the Year in 2023 and is a Fellow of the?Royal Society of Arts.?He is a keen advocate for volunteering and frequently shares his experience and insights on?LinkedIn.?



