A Few Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning
Srinivas Pradeep s
Data Science & AI Leader | Eminent AI & Data Science Speaker | Generative AI | Digital Transformation | Author
Machine learning systems automatically learn programs from data. This is often a very attractive alternative to manually constructing them, and in the last decade the use of machine learning has spread rapidly throughout computer science and beyond. Machine learning is used in Web search, spam filters, recommender systems, ad placement, credit scoring, fraud detection, stock trading, drug design, and many other applications. A recent report from the McKinsey Global Institute asserts that machine learning (a.k.a. data mining or predictive analytics) will be the driver of the next big wave of innovation [16]. Several fine textbooks are available to interested practitioners and researchers (e.g, [17, 25]). However, much of the “folk knowledge” that is needed to successfully develop machine learning applications is not readily available in them. As a result, many machine learning projects take much longer than necessary or wind up producing lessthan-ideal results. Yet much of this folk knowledge is fairly easy to communicate. This is the purpose of this article. Many different types of machine learning exist, but for illustration purposes I will focus on the most mature and widely used one: classification. Nevertheless, the issues I will discuss apply across all of machine learning. A classi- fier is a system that inputs (typically) a vector of discrete and/or continuous feature values and outputs a single discrete value, the class. For example, a spam filter classifies email messages into “spam” or “not spam,” and its input may be a Boolean vector x = (x1, . . . , xj , . . . , xd), where xj = 1 if the jth word in the dictionary appears in the email and xj = 0 otherwise. A learner inputs a training set of examples (xi, yi), where xi = (xi,1, . . . , xi,d) is an observed input and yi is the corresponding output, and outputs a classifier. The test of the learner is whether this classifier produces the correct output yt for future examples xt (e.g., whether the spam filter correctly classifies previously unseen emails as spam or not spam).
- LEARNING = REPRESENTATION + EVALUATION + OPTIMIZATION Suppose you have an application that you think machine learning might be good for. The first problem facing you is the bewildering variety of learning algorithms available. Which one to use? There are literally thousands available, and hundreds more are published each year. The key to not getting lost in this huge space is to realize that it consists of combinations of just three components. The components are:
- A classifier must be represented in some formal language that the computer can handle. Conversely, choosing a representation for a learner is tantamount to choosing the set of classifiers that it can possibly learn. This set is called the hypothesis space of the learner. If a classifier is not in the hypothesis space, it cannot be learned. A related question, which we will address in a later section, is how to represent the input, i.e., what features to use.
- An evaluation function (also called objective function or scoring function) is needed to distinguish good classifiers from bad ones. The evaluation function used internally by the algorithm may differ from the external one that we want the classifier to optimize, for ease of optimization (see below) and due to the issues discussed in the next section.
- Finally, we need a method to search among the classifiers in the language for the highest-scoring one. The choice of optimization technique is key to the efficiency of the learner, and also helps determine the classifier produced if the evaluation function has more than one optimum. It is common for new learners to start out using off-the-shelf optimizers, which are later replaced by custom-designed ones.