Few tickets left: Masterclass "Become a Sustainable UX Designer", 17th Feb
SUX - The Sustainable UX Network
Designers are more powerful than ever. Let’s use this power to be a change.
Hey everyone,
today there is no new issue of the SUX Newsletter (but the next issue is in the making will be released in the next days ??), but just a little tip from our SUX Academy.
After this years first Masterclass "Become a Sustainable UX Designer" took place in January we are doing a second one next week on the 17th of February to make it available for as many people as possible.
There are still a few seats left for next week and since some of you asked, we also added a few more ?low income tickets“ for those of you who cannot afford the full price, no matter why. These tickets come at a much lower price and can be purchased on trust basis - we are not asking for any proof, you decide on your own if you are applicable.
Find all Infos and tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/masterclass-become-a-sustainable-ux-designer-2025-tickets-1079924917499
Here is an overview about the 4-hour Masterclass:
Learn how to incorporate sustainable UX practices in your daily work to create sustainable digital products. This 4-hour masterclass has five modules with a mix of lecture and hands-on exercises + bonus module about AI and Sustainability. It teaches you fundamentals and tools of Sustainable UX and enables you to start using Sustainable UX in your daily work right after the Masterclass. And in 2025 we added some additional contents about behavioral design and how to drive the users to make more sustainable devisions. Upon completion you’ll get a personal Sustainable UX certificate.
The number of seats at each Masterclass is limited to to provide a comprehensive learning-experience and due to the small group size there is always room for direct questions. In addition two practical exercises help you to learn how to apply tools to real life use cases.
The Masterclass consists of 5 main modules and an optional bonus module:
Module 1: Sustainability and digital products
Module 2: Understand the negative impact
Module 3: From understanding to solutions
Module 4: Making Sustainability Default
Module 5: Sustainable UX, business and stakeholders
Optional Bonus Module: How to use AI sustainable and responsible
What you will learn:
What you will get after completion:
Tools and Resources: All tools and resources from the Masterclass will be provided afterwords including templates for all SUX frameworks and methods.
SUX Certificate: All participants who complete the Masterclass will get a personal official SUX Academy Certificate.
Private Slack Channel: All participants get access to a privat Masterclass-channel in our Slack Space to be able ask questions after the Masterclass.
And did you know: Sustainable UX is also good for business.
More than 220 Alumni have completed one of our Masterclasses at the SUX Academy in the past 6 months. Here is what some of them say about:
"Thanks so much for this interesting and enlightening input! I especially loved the examples and the quick wins that can already have a great impact in our work. ????" - Nathalie, Germany
"Danke! for the incredible class. It was very helpful, informative and inspiring, time to put into practice! ????" - Camila, Uruguay
"Large parts of a product's environmental footprint are determined in the design phase ??. That is why Thorsten Jonas introduced us to concrete methods that enable the involvement of non-human actors and a more systemic thinking. That. Is. Full of meaning. And necessary ? and just the thing for a UX geek like me ??" - Hannah, Denmark
"On rare occasions, you come out of a training with this feeling that you've learned something you can actually apply the very next day. This was one of those. ??" - Thomas, Germany
"Loved the masterclass! Thank you Thorsten for an amazingly insightful and inspiring session. Can't wait to start putting this knowledge into practice!" - Michal, USA
If that sounds interesting and you want to learn how to become a Sustainable UX Designer, find all infos and tickets here:
Masterclass "Become a Sustainable UX Designer", 17th Feb 2025 https://www.eventbrite.de/e/masterclass-become-a-sustainable-ux-designer-2025-tickets-1079924917499
And if you have any questions, do not hesitate to drop us a message. ??
Have a good start into the new week,
?? Thorsten
Founder of the SUX Network & Co-Author of the Web Sustainability Guidelines, Keynote Speaker, Sustainable UX and Responsible AI Trainer, Digital Sustainability Trailblazer and Responsible AI Advocate. Get in touch if you want to work with me or book me for a talk, workshop or training. And follow me on LinkedIn, where I share frequently tipps, resources and thoughts about Digital Sustainability, Responsible AI and Sustainable UX.
?? SUX Community Count:
?? SUX Website: https://sustainableuxnetwork.com/
?? SUX Academy: https://sustainableuxnetwork.com/academy
?? Get in touch: [email protected]
About the SUX Network and the SUX Academy:
The SUX Network was founded in 2021 by a group of designers with the mission to transform UX to Sustainable UX and to make Sustainability default in the digital design process.
As part of SUX the SUX Academy was founded in 2024 to teach the fundamentals, tools and details of Sustainable UX, Digital Sustainability or the W3C Web Sustainability Guidelines and how to incorporate them into your daily work. Besides Masterclasses and Courses we offer also tailored Trainings and Masterclasses for Design- and Product-Teams.