A Few Thoughts About the New Year
And so, as the year draws to a close, one may find oneself seemingly trapped with an experience of melancholy, regret, sadness, frustration, anger, longing, dissatisfaction and an array of assorted self-invalidations.
Everyone else falls into two categories:
1- The happy, celebratory fully loved and successful people.
2- The miserable people who post about how rough their life is.
At least it appears to be that way on the surface.
Consider a couple of alternative interpretations.
Perhaps all the "negative" emotions we feel are a wake up call from our soul, our source, our beloved, adored, perfect, child of God and/or the Universe self, saying:
"ENOUGH! I need you to start feeding me love!
I don't give a fuck about who didn't love you- I need you to feed me love- NOW!
Lots of love - all of it about how wonderful we are right now, and keep me fed, because I'm starving and starving people are angry people.
Don't overwhelm me with humongous portions — slow, steady statements accompanied by food that nourishes, practices, that nurture and facilitate growth and everyday (or as often as possible) recognize another vicious lie about how broken and horrible or undeserving of love we must be - and must have been to feel what we feel."
Nothing could be further from the truth. I have heard from more than a few people in conversations, remark how emotions, upsets and inquiries about difficult interactions were met with disparaging diminishing responses:
"What's the big deal?"
"You're too sensitive."
"You ask too much of people."
"I can't deal with this."
Eventually we come to believe that we are damaged, broken and wrong, and of course if we are, then others must be too.
( A complete and utter lie.)
Well that's it for now.
Welcome all the emotions from the first paragraph. They can, if you are willing, point out what your soul is hungry for and needs for you to internally and eternally provide.
"HOW?????" you may ask.
Wrong question, not how.
What, as in, what is important to me?
What are my values?
What do I want to learn this year?
What is love to me?
(Just a few possible questions)
The key is to begin - not with the rush and fear and drama of a New Year's resolution.
The key is to steadily, slowly, consistently discover your divinity as well as your shadow. Loving oneself is a lifetime practice and its results are often not obvious, merely deeply, moving and fulfilling.
And the last thing — don't go on this journey alone. The more we communicate what we’re up to, to the more highly trained people, masterful in the art of being deserving, loved, mentally, spiritually and every other way, truly healthy will become the new standard the planet and our soul longs to know and to be.
To 2017 and beyond.
Namaste and away.....