Few Technical Topics
Continued from Previous share: The below few points(Topics) will help some level for the Candidates those searching for the job and work in the industry(Considering the Rural side students).
GUI, MMI, HMI, UI Testing, Network Testing, Ghosting, Adhoc and Exploratory, etc.
End user Testing, White Box and Black Box Testing
Static Analysis and Dynamic Analysis
Verification and Validation
Proprietary and Generic Application Testing
MIL, SIL, PIL, HIL Testing
Test Specification, Test Plan, Test Case, Test log, Test Script, Test Suite
Test Log, Test Environment, Defect report
ITU, DO 178B, ASIL A, B, C and D, ISO26262,
Requirement Guide lines, Checklists, Standards, Hungarian Notation, etc
ISO, CMM, CMMI, Six Sigma, etc
Requirement Change Management, Configuration Management, Build Management, etc
Basic Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, etc.
Cyclomatic Complexity, Physical Lines of Code, Logical Lines of code, etc.
Technical Documentation, Data Entry, Flow Chart Verification, etc.
Software and Hardware Technical skills in Rural side agricultural activities, etc
Marketing of agricultural developed products.
Effective utilization of Agricultural Land and water to grow the crops based on the specific reason, etc
Provide the proper information to the farmers to grow the crops and proper Market to sell the products to end users.
Proper understanding between the farmers to grow the crops with internal support.