A few points about Israel’s war with Hamas=ISIS

  1. Who cares about the facts or the victims when we can blame Israel?

A deadly explosion killed hundreds of innocent people next to a hospital in Gaza. Hamas – knowing it was caused by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror organization mishandling yet another rocket that was supposed to be shot to Israel, immediately blames Israel for bombing the area next to the hospital. It takes Israel hours to check and double check and then announce that it wasn’t Israel but, in the meantime, there are huge demonstrations against Israel, and Palestinian Authority President Abbas and Jordan’s King Abdullah II cancel their meetings with President Biden. What a great way to help to calm the Middle East! For those who still don’t believe that Palestinians killed quite a few of their own brothers while they were trying to kill Israelis. Please read: The Wall Street Journal - A Gaza hospital was hit by a failed rocket meant for Israel.


The Guardian - “The crater is not consistent with an airstrike, it is more likely to be a weapon that failed and released its payload over a wide area. The crater and surrounding damage is also not consistent with a JDAM aerial bomb. The hole on the ground occurred from kinetic energy.”


2.??The Egyptians know what they’re doing.

In the Camp David peace agreement between Israel and Egypt, Egyptian President Sadat was smart enough to forego returning the Gaza Strip to Egyptian control, and Israeli Prime Minister Begin didn’t realize what a can of worms he agreed to be responsible for. The Gaza Strip was controlled by the Egyptians between 1948 and 1967, and they wanted no further responsibility for it. Last Wednesday. Egyptian President A-Sisi refused to accept Palestinian refugees from the Gaza Strip, because it would set a precedent for "the displacement of Palestinians from the West Bank into Jordan".

That of course is not the real reason. The real reason is that smart President A-Sisi knows that the true nature of inhabitants of the Gaza Strip. According to UNRWA 1.5 million Palestinians live as refugees. 600 thousand of them in the Gaza Strip alone. But what is the source of this refugee status? The source is Israel’s Independence war in 1948 where to the Arab world’s amazement the invasion of tiny Israel with 650 thousand Jews by multiple Arab armies aided by Palestinian local militia, didn’t result in Israel’s demise and the slaughtering of Jews as the invaders had planned. It ended with Israel’s victory.

So now – 75 years after that war, the number of people who fled Israel for fear of the Jews and are still alive in the refugee camps is tiny. The huge number of people living in these refugee camps are these people’s children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren. They’re not trying to build themselves a life. They didn’t try to make Gaza the Singapore of the Middle east after Israel unilaterally left the Gaza Strip in 2005. Instead, they elected terror group Hamas in 2007, and have allowed their leadership to spend billions of Dollars in building e terror state and making the Gaza Strip one of the worst places in the world.?

Try thinking of your grandparents or great grandparents if you lucky enough to know them. Maybe they were hit by the great Depression in 1929 in the US. Maybe they went through terrible times in Europe in WWII. Maybe they had to live in a terrible Communist regime in Russia or China, or maybe they liberated themselves from colonial control of their lands in Africa. But you – if you’re reading this, probably don’t live in a refugee camp. Because your grandparents or parents thought it would be better to work hard in their lives so that their children would have a better future, and most probably they succeeded.

  1. Hopefully a better future Middle East.Israel has no choice. Israel must eliminate Hamas. Because if Israel doesn't, there will be no Israel. It isn't only in our best interest. It's in the best interest of every Western democracy.There will be many casualties in this war. Most of them will be Palestinians. Some of them will be civilians. Israel will be blamed (of course all of the blamers know how to rescue the 210 kidnapped Israelis and kill the leadership of Hamas without causing any casualties - it's just us, dumb Israelis who don't know how to that). But hopefully, after Israel’s victory, if the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip are smart enough to understand that they will have better lives trying to do good for themselves instead of trying to cause evil to us, then maybe Gaza will stop being one of the North Koreas of the Middle East.


Jan. You have been on my mind ever since this happened. Please stay safe and know that your friends are here are in full support.

Tom Barman

Senior Consultant at TCB Consulting

1 年

I agree with everything you said and then some. Only Israel should not defend it’s borders. Only Israel should conciliate despite generations of intransigence. Only Israel should negotiate with parties uninterested in peace or negotiation. Only Israel should treat it’s deadly enemies with kid gloves. There was a two state solution-in 1948-and the Arabs response to that was to invade with full force. And the rest of the world pretty much did nothing in response.


