A Few Of My Favorite Things…
Holly Kutil - NAV/BC All-Star
? Microsoft D365 Business Central Coach, Trainer, Presenter ? Helping people achieve more with their MS D365 Business Software ? Customer Success Manager at Innovia Consulting ?
Everyone loves to unpack a gift box and I am no exception.?We see these gift boxes everywhere now you can order a monthly surprise box from wine and cheese to your favorite toiletries and everything in between.?We ooh and aah over each new thing as we unpack the box, so why should our ERP be any different?
Microsoft has provided the same experience for us in the business work in our Dynamics Business Central, every month we receive an update packed with updates, and twice a year we receive an extra special update with new items and changes, many of which we had been asking for.
So as I unpacked the October 2021 Wave 2 update here are a few of my favorite things!
I hope this just wet your appetite, for more details on the wave 2 updates go to:
Or reach out to us at Innovia Consulting!