A Few of My Favorite Rituals
Kristina Lucia Pezza
Award Winning and Best Selling Author Creator Artist at Curiously Curated Creations of Kristina Lucia
Dear Readers,
What are your daily habits/ rituals??Recently, I have been seeing a lot of posts around this topic and it has got me thinking.?My first thoughts went to the ideas that I am hearing and how can I incorporate them in my daily life.?My second brainstorm was about what my current habits are and what they mean to me.?I discovered that they offer consistency and a sense of comfort.?With these thoughts my mind roams to the simple pleasures of my Grandmother’s house with the pot of sauce simmering on the back-right burner on her stove and the Cadbury milk chocolate bar tucked in the credenza drawer in her dining room.?Similarly, I see my Mom in her favorite apron standing at the head of her butcher block cooking dinner.?The apple did not fall to far from the tree where I also have my rituals and in writing this post I took a moment to reflect on the ones that are most special to me.?
Morning cup of tea in my favorite mug.?I have always been an avid tea drinker and find I am a mess without a cup of tea in the morning. ?One cup is not quite enough and I find myself with a glass of water and a cup tea all day.?Recently, I have been drinking my first cup of tea out of one particular mug.?This mug is very special because it is a gift from my friend’s newborn baby.?This little one did an amazing job because not only is it covered in roses (my favorite) but it reads “Awesome Aunt”.?Words of affirmation is one of my love languages and I see this affirmation as great way to start my day.
Having roses in the house.?As I just mentioned, I love roses.?Whether it is actual roses, pictures of roses, jewelry shaped as roses I am captivated.?Roses were my Mother’s favorite flower and it rubbed off on me.?I have been blessed to have friends gift me bouquets and I also buy them for myself.?Roses are a spiritual sign and reminder for me that someone is always listening to my dreams and hopes.?As I write now, there is a bouquet right before me.?
Taking the time to be creative.?Especially since I have started this business I have noticed the importance of taking time each day to be creative.?It ranges depending on my current projects.?On any given day you can find me baking, crocheting, drawing, or knitting.?I have discovered that it is best to follow my instincts.?Whatever source of creativity I am craving I trust the urge and explore the path before me.
With each of these rituals I find the same sense of safety as in the memories of my Grandmother’s sauce and my Mom in her beloved apron.?These consistencies offer a light structure while providing the opportunity for spontaneity.?As a creative, I want to provide a gift for each of you.?This is the link to a new coloring book page on my website which I recently created.?Coloring is an activity that is simple while also meditative whether you are looking for quality time with your loved one or quality time with yourself.?From one creative to another I wish you happy coloring and cheers to another year of creating.??
Love Always,
Kristina Lucia xoxo