A Few More Of My Tales
The cool morning temps were a definite delight and you can bet I was out in it as much as possible today with my sweeping of the front sidewalks at office, pulling weeds at the rear, putting out more ant poison for what appeared to be another colony having moved in, and my list went on.
My first appointment was to show my new listing over at Prairie Place on 1st, and since the buyer had been in the common area a number of times with friends, all I had to do was show her the unit, the storage area and the allotted underground parking space. Over-all the showing went very well, so it's now in the buyer's court as to whether she wants to move forward. I could definitely see her living there, and for sure she'd be a great addition to that delightful community. We'll see what next week brings.
Not long after I returned to office, I had to head out to another scheduled showing of a home which recently came on the market. We were there for an extended period of time, and from what I was hearing, they were going to contact their bank Monday morning, just to make sure the payments on it would be in their financial comfort zone. I've personally known them for a good number of years, and thankful they decided to work with me. I knew they were going to be out of town for the weekend, so I did warn them that it could possibly get sold over the weekend, and if it does, that'll be one more missed opportunity.
After I returned to office, I sat down and practiced the hymns I have to play over at First Congregational Church tomorrow morning, which I didn't receive until yesterday, and wouldn't you know, one of them I've never before played, so I had some practicing to do. After about twenty minutes at the keyboard, I figured it sounded good enough, so let's hope I'll be able to slide right back into it tomorrow morning.
After I had a quick light lunch, I headed over to my little/big project and worked for another three non-stop hours, and when I decided to stop for the day, I gave it a good looking-over and called it a good workout. After all these years of stripping, I'll never get my brain to understand why anyone would want to paint beautiful old-growth wood. In my book, it's downright sinful.
My garden is definitely offering up its bounty, and for whatever reason, my pepper plants are now at least four feet tall, filled with blossoms, along with some really big peppers near the bottom of those plants. In all the years I've grown bell peppers, I've never seen them get so tall and sturdy. They're now reminding me of a thick hedgerow. Now if we don't get an early killing frost, I'll have more than enough peppers to last the winter.
My mammoth sunflowers now nearing the end of their blooming cycle, and I've already cut off six heads and now have them hanging in a secure place to dry. From what I've read, a person has to stay proactive at picking them before the birds and squirrels discover them, and when they do, it's only a matter of day or two, and they're picked dry of their kernels. Jack squirrels, bluejays and crows are the biggest culprits. When I cut down that really big one just so I can get to its head, I'll be sure to measure it because I'm almost certain it's well over twelve feet tall. I've seen some pretty tall sunflowers, but never one with its height.
As much as I was looking forward to having a large crop of black beans, only a quarter of them grew, and of course the rabbits had to be munching on what did come up, so by the looks of it, I'll likely have a good portion of seeds which I'll be saving over as seeds for next year's planting. Nevermore will I buy any seeds from that seed house because everything I ordered from them, only a half or less came up. So much for ordering seeds out of North Dakota.
For whatever reason, my time outdoors today was unbelievably pleasant, and as the sun was dropping in the western sky, just about everything I was looking at, was glowing amber. Those past days of extreme heat, almost had me wishing Fall would quickly arrive. At least the gnats weren't pestering like they've been all summer, so let's hope their life cycles are coming to an end as well.
I didn't get much of the news read today, and only because my appointments had me hopping, along with my burning desire to get something worthwhile accomplished while our weather was pleasant. I'll have to do some catching-up in the early morning.
I neglected to mention a conversation I had with a long-time colleague yesterday regarding inter-family relationships, and how much they can be so very different when comparing one large household to another. I couldn't help bringing up a family of eight children whom I've known nearly my entire life, and to this day, I'm in total amazement regarding how well they all get along, and especially when some of them live out of State. One of the daughters who lives here, mentioned not long ago how thankful she's been to have siblings that get along. Of course yours truly had to add, "Be ever-thankful for it because your relationships are definitely not what you'd normally find in these times." Their mother is still alive and doing well at the ripe old age of 95, and I wouldn't be surprised it's because she has a large group of her adult children supporting her on a daily basis. My colleague was in full agreement about how unusual it is in this day and age to have large families who have no underlying feelings of ill will towards each other. Of course on the flip-side, I had to share a few more of my tales out of the past which I usually water down for fear he'd be in total dis-belief such events took place.
Tonight's One-liner is: 'Tis not every question that deserves an answer.
original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2023/08/26/a-few-more-of-my-tales/