A Few Dont's...With The "Do's"? That Have Your Phone Ringing Like Mad

A Few Dont's...With The "Do's" That Have Your Phone Ringing Like Mad

Social Media Bad Habits (Free Trainings Included)

There are many bad social media marketing tips floating around the Internet that claim to help you get your website noticed by Search Engines. Some of these tips are more dubious than others and often fall under spamming techniques. If you find a website promising you magical link building techniques that will get you links to your website and start to drive traffic to it, do not entertain this type of site until you have done your research into this practice, and verified that such practices do not work. Do and don'ts for social bad habits!

The first of these bad social tips is the most obvious: DO NOT fill out your contact information on any website, or on your personal website or blog. You have to remember that these sites are just another venue for spammers to use in their evil scheme to spam the search engines. The search engines have had success in stamping out spam, so do not fall for this one. Do fill out your contact information if you have an account there, but do so discreetly, and only with those who have reason to know your email address. Do not provide any of your personal information or any information that would identify you or your business, to spammers.

The second bad habit that is common on these websites is offering incentives to get your website listed. This is another bad idea and has been proven by many search engines to be unethical and a breach of Google's terms of service. Do not make shady deals with search engines to get your website listed. Do not pay anyone to promote your website for you, or to sell you a link. You should do all of these things yourself, and you should also look for other avenues where possible link building can be done cheaply.

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