A Few Content Creation Tips
If you're struggling with creating content, you aren't alone.
I talk with a lot of coaches who feel stuck and aren't sure what to put out there online.
My advice for creating content is to have ideas "teed up" and ready to go for when the time comes to create.
It's much easier to create with an idea scribbled down in front of you (even if it's just one sentence) than if you're staring at a blank screen and trying to come up with something off the top of your head.
Once I get an idea, I jot it down in a journal that I keep nearby, or as a note in my phone or on my laptop.
I also use my highlighter liberally when reading books and mark up the pages in yellow and ink.
Earlier today I emailed about "The Clock Of The Long Now", and that came from a book that I read about Jeff Bezos and Amazon called "The Everything Store". I needed an idea, and scrolled through the book for a passage that caught my eye.
Having ideas ready to go has helped my creation efforts. Another example:
If I want to write seven days' worth of emails in one sitting, I put each of the days of the week down on paper and then check my idea notes to slot in a different idea for each of the days. Once I finish an email for one day, I can move on to the next day's quickly since I already know what it'll be about.
If you have to stop to come up with an idea between emails, you lose your momentum and it'll be difficult to keep the ball rolling.
A final piece of content creation advice:
Take the filter off and write what you want to write, without fear of what others may think or of offending someone.
Taking this approach makes it a lot more fun, and if you're having fun it's a lot smoother to create.
I do a lot of my writing inside the pages of my Secret Coach Club newsletter, and every month I take the filter off to help you get more coaching clients.
There's still time to get in for the December issue: