This Festivus Miracle Will Change Your Life
Today, we're going to do something esoteric. There is one thing that holds a lot of people back from progressing as humans, and most aren't even aware that it exists.
The obstacle? Grudges, resentments and other negative energy that people stock up in their mental pantry. These blocks can be cleared by venting them. So today, in honor of its being Festivus tomorrow, go find your silver Festivus Pole, and prepare for the Airing of Grievances.
Almost kidding. You don't need a pole. But you will need a pen and paper. Next, do the following:
1. Find a quiet place where you are all alone. No kids, no phones, no TVs, no pets.
2. Clear the writing space (lighting a candle is optional, although I always use one). Get a glass of water and place it next to your notepad.
3. Breathe deeply for at least 3 minutes. Through this exercise, oxygen is flooding your cells, which include your brain, thus giving you heightened thinking powers.
4. Think of all of the people who you feel have done something that has held you back this year: bosses, friends, spouses, siblings, exes.
5. Write out a "poison pen letter" to them. No one is reading this. Get all of the venom in your system out onto the paper. Write as many letters as you need to drain all of the poison out of your system.
6. Pause: Once your letters are written, stand up and stretch. Breathe for another 3 minutes. Drink some water.
7. Release: Take the paper and burn each letter in a safe receptacle. As your letters burn, say aloud, "I release what no longer serves me to make room for what does." Repeat this statement a few times as the smoke from your letter(s) rises and dissipates. Imagine that your resentments are evaporating along with the smoke.
After you have finished this exercise, do something that switches up your energy. If you're tired, take an Epsom salt bath. If you're hyped up, take a walk.
This is a ritual that I have used EVERY time I have transitioned from one period of my life to another. Matter never goes away; it just changes forms. Our bodies hold emotions as blockages and stress. Let me know how it works for you!
When I was a little kid, I was afraid of the monster who lived in the laundry hamper at the end of dark hallway in our house. My mom would give me a flashlight and M&Ms (anti-monster tablets) so that I could walk past it.
Flash-forward to today, and I love fear now. Fear is my friend. When fear is present, I know that I am close to a breakthrough in my evolutionary journey of becoming a fully functional Being.
The key to embracing fear is to understand what it represents. In order to do this, you’ll need friends, paper, pencil and chocolate.
First of all, learn to recognize when you’re afraid. How does fear manifest itself in your experience?
? Is it irritability?
? Sweating?
? Dizziness?
? Sinking feeling in your gut?
Pay attention and when these twinges kick in, TRAIN YOURSELF TO ASK, “What am I afraid of?” Write it down or otherwise record it.
Get to a place where you can process your answers, and your next step is to ask yourself, “Why am I afraid of this?” This step may take some time. Bring enough chocolate. (By the way, the “why” is your flashlight).
Now “enter the cave.” When you prioritize and address your fears, they vanish like mirages in the desert. I repeat, they vanish like mirages in the desert. Paradox is a hoot and a half.
To truly purge the power of your fear, have a good, long, healthy laugh at yourself for boxing at shadows. It is one of the most liberating feelings you’ll ever experience.
I promise.
I'm going to ask you to give things away. Right now, there are thousands of kids who won't have toys for Christmas. You can help by doing a few things:
? Give away gently used items via the Freecycle network
? Participate in a local toy drive
? Look for Angel Trees
? Pay off lay-a-way accounts of random strangers
If these items are beyond your reach right now, be intentionally and relentlessly kind to everyone you see for the rest of the year. It will change your life.
P.S. IT’S LIVE!! Every day, starting December 20th, a new transformation tool drops— available for free for 24 hours only. With a total value of $3,764, it’s designed to deliver game-changing transformation. That’s why we’re offering each resource FREE for 24 hours during the 12 Days of Business Balance Gift-a-Thon. Because your journey to balance and success shouldn’t wait. And it shouldn’t feel out of reach.
If you’ve enjoyed the #3MR, check out my linktree, where you can buy me a coffee, book a free ClarityCall?, check out merch, my books and more.
An author, media consultant, life coach and speaker, Molly Cantrell-Kraig has been recognized as one of CNN’s Visionary Women, been profiled by both the Christian Science Monitor and the Shriver Report. Cantrell-Kraig has also been interviewed on the Women’s Media Center and the BBC, speaking on such topics as women, independence, gender roles and life transitions. As a catalytic change-agent, Cantrell-Kraig is a self-described work in progress whose focus is on helping others achieve their goals by sharing her own experiences.