It's 'The Festive Edit' of Stressed But Well Dressed and to close out Series 6 of the podcast I was joined by stylist Loulou Storey to discuss all things clothes, confidence and Christmas festivities.
December is definitely the most stressful month of the year, filled with anticipation, meticulous planning and the constant to do list (though I am pretty sure we now live in a time where there are another 11 months of the year that require similar levels of frenetic life management!)
Here are the tops tips that we captured in the episode that ensure that even if you are spending December feeling will definitely be well dressed!...
- Choose the 'festive fashion words' that you want to associate with this season and then use your clothes to lean into the style. Rather than trying to start with visual looks select the words that symbolise how you want to feel and pick your outfits accordingly!
- Don't always feel the pressure to try or buy new things. Christmas has enough pressure as it is, if you know you have well loved favourites in your wardrobe don't be afraid to go back to them! Felt fabulous in your outfit last Christmas? Be a proud outfit repeater!
- If you want to bring the bling to the season but don't want to look like tinsel town choose complimentary pieces to 'dilute' or 'relax' the look. Diamonds, sparkle, glitter and sequins all at once might not be your comfort zone so pick a sparkly piece and wear it with something more relaxed so you don't feel like you resemble the Christmas tree!
- Remember to check in with yourself. It's so easy to become fixated on pleasing everyone else in December (perfect presents, perfect setting, picture perfect moments). Protect time for you and remember to check in with how you are doing and whether you are also enjoying the moment as you try and make it magical for those around you.
- If you are buying in the sale be super strategic, get very clear on what it is you want/need before you even start to shop. Loulou recommends asking yourself of any purchase 'Does it take me towards the person I want to become?' It's a big question but if you are spending money on things that are not going to change your life for the better do you need them in the first place?!
- Regifting: Don't be afraid to regift. It is far better to pass on the joy of a gift to someone who will cherish it than to hold on to unwanted presents for the sake of it. Alleviate the guilt, regift and move on with your life!
- Don't feel a need to overcomplicate what you wear during the festive period. Keep it simple, choose one or two pieces that amplify your look and have fun with your clothes!
- If all else fails and it all gets too hectic get outside, get some fresh air and go for a walk (you could even listen to the Stressed But Well Dressed Podcast!).
Have a listen to our conversation on:
Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, Happy Holidays, Happy sparkly season!