Festival Residu Zero - Barcelona
The Chedi Lu?tica Bay
A 5-star luxury hotel nestled on Montenegro's breathtaking Adriatic Coast!
Our esteemed colleague, Tamara Jovicevic, had the opportunity to attend and speak at the Rezero Zero Waste festival in Barcelona, with a special invitation from the organisers who wanted to emphasise our good example at the conference. During the panel, she shared an example of our hotel's successful implementation of #ZeroWaste certification by MIZA. Along the way, Tamara also showcased our beloved Montenegro, the officially ecological and the first non-EU Balkan country on the path to Zero Waste.
Regarding the topic, we would like to emphasise that the introduction of Zero Waste certification was a turning point for our hotel. It compelled us to reevaluate our relationship with materials from a new perspective, taking into consideration not only their end disposal but their entire lifecycle. This approach has been truly transformative, inspiring us to reconsider our sourcing, consumption, and disposal methods. Additionally, it has connected us with potential partners who share our vision for sustainability.
One of our flagship projects, inspired by ReWine, is BokaNova. This initiative aims to give discarded glass bottles a new lease on life. We provide local producers with our sanitised glass waste, empowering them to create more and contribute to the local economy. This seemingly small step has made a significant difference for these producers, who play a vital role in shaping our culture and capturing the essence of Montenegro.
Furthermore, through these initiatives, we have not only reduced waste but also made positive contributions to our community.
Our journey with Zero Waste Montenegro has not solely been about waste reduction; it's about strengthening our communities. We envision a future of sustainable tourism that draws inspiration from our past. A future that looks back to move forward, where hotels, businesses, and communities collaborate to not only share the stories of our countries but also to preserve their essence in the process.
During her speech in Barcelona, Tamara, who is a part of the Green Team of The Chedi Lustica Bay, encouraged travellers not only to check items off their travel bucket lists but also to explore, support, and contribute positively to the communities they visit. Responsible tourism isn't just about preserving the environment; it's about enriching lives and preserving cultures. Each of us, as responsible travellers, can make a difference.