Fertility Support: What Do Employers Need to Know?

Fertility Support: What Do Employers Need to Know?

  • Globally, 48.5 million couples experience infertility. (Reproductive Biological Endocrinology, 2015)
  • Infertility is one of the primary reasons for divorce among couples. (International Journal of Reproductive Biomedicine, 2020)
  • Up to 60% of infertile individuals reported psychiatric symptoms with significantly higher levels of anxiety and depression than fertile individuals. (Clinical Therapeutics,?2014)

We've all heard of the importance of a work-life balance, but what about work-life harmony?

Fertility support is one way to help employees maintain that balance, and it's something more employers are starting to offer. But what exactly do employers need to know about offering fertility support? How ready they are to do? Let's take a look!

Infertility can have real consequences for employees

When employees are unable to conceive, they may be worried about the effect this will have on their careers. While infertility does not typically affect people's employability, it can have a negative impact on work-life balance.

This can lead to stress and anxiety, which can cause problems at work and make it dif?cult to focus on any tasks.

In addition, infertility may also cause problems with social relationships. The inability to have children can lead to feelings of isolation and depression in some cases.

This can make it dif?cult for employees to maintain healthy relationships with their colleagues and supervisors, which could affect their overall performance at work.

If you are experiencing infertility and want to share your story with others, we welcome you to join our community. We understand how dif?cult it can be to get through this experience, so we are here to support you in any way possible.

The emotional stress of infertility

The emotional stress of infertility can be signi?cant, and it's important to be aware of this. Your employee may not share their infertility struggles with you if they feel like their is no space created for them to bring it up. As an employer communicate clearly on the environment you want to build.

The process of infertility treatment can be very emotional; even if there are no complications or setbacks along the way, people struggling with infertility often experience emotional stress due to their inability to conceive. The treatments are heavy and do affect schedules which leads to additional stress.

It's important to consider how you can support your employees as they go through this process, so that they feel supported at work instead of distracted from their job by their own emotional state.

Book a call with Ninti to discover the demo of our fertility marketplace benefits on [email protected] or subscribe to our newsletter.

Fertility support is a great way to attract and retain your employees

Fertility support is a great way to attract future employees or retain them. We all know that it's important to be able to balance work and family life, we can not ignore the stress reproductive health can trigger. That's why fertility support programs are so important—they can help you retain your employees by making sure they have the ability to plan, start or grow their families if they want to. from egg freezing counseling, to postpartum support support is key. It's also a great way for companies with female-focused policies to show their commitment to women in the workplace.

Employees who feel supported and cared for are more likely to stay at your company for longer and contribute more.

"Employers who show they care have an advantage to create a more resilient and loyal workforce"

Providing fertility coverage can help employers stand out in the marketplace

In today's competitive business environment, companies must do everything they can to attract top talent and set themselves apart from other employers. Providing fertility coverage is one way to do both.

By offering fertility bene?ts, you'll show that you're an employer who cares about your employees' well-being and wants to help them reach their full potential in life—and in work.

Fertility coverage also helps employers attract more diverse candidates—and that's important because diversity enhances creativity and problem-solving skills, which are becoming increasingly important for businesses.

How can Ninti helps?

  • We offer workshops on a variety of reproductive health subjects.
  • We are building our reproductive health wallet marketplace with an employer private dashboard
  • Employees can connect to our service wallet and book sessions with vetted practitioners and fertility clinics.
  • Practitioners dashboard and the users members profile to book sessions, access care and community. For a demo link reach out to [email protected]

For more data on infertility



