The Fertility Diet: What to eat when trying to get Pregnant

The Fertility Diet: What to eat when trying to get Pregnant

Make these changes to your diet to improve your fertility and ovulation function.If you’re trying to get pregnant, is your diet packed with foods that increase fertility? According to a study of diet and fertility from Harvard Medical School, unlike other factors that you cannot control such as age and genetics, eating certain foods and avoiding others is something you can do yourself to help improve your ovulatory function. "Eating as if you're already pregnant can actually help prime your body for conception," says Sarah Krieger, R.D., a nutritionist based in St. Petersburg, Florida. Here's how to deliciously dine your way to a happy, healthy pregnancy by following a conception diet.

? Fruits and Veggies

For a fertility diet to improve egg quality, load your plate with fruit and veggies. A study by the Harvard School of Public Health of nearly 19,000 women found a higher incidence of ovulatory disorder in women who consumed more trans fats, carbs, and animal proteins. The antidote? Make sure half your plate at every meal is composed of fresh fruits and vegetables. "Watermelon and asparagus, in addition to other raw fruits and vegetables, give the body a rich supply of glutathione, which is important for egg quality," says Alisa Vitti, integrative nutritionist and author of WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex Drive, and Become a Power Source. "Kale is another a powerhouse vegetable because it contains elements necessary for estrogen metabolism."

? Fats

Indulge in healthy, plant-based fats in moderation. Nuts, avocados, olive oil, and grapeseed oil can reduce the inflammation in the body, which helps promote regular ovulation and general fertility. Some good fats may even assist women who truly struggle with infertility. "Studies have shown that consuming a certain quantity of monounsaturated fats in the form of avocados during the IVF cycle increased the success rate by three and a half times, as opposed to women who don't eat good plant-based fats during that period''.

Avoid all trans fats and eat more healthy unsaturated fats. Trans fats (found primarily in foods such as commercial baked and snack foods, animal products, french fries and some margarines) increase insulin resistance. Insulin helps move glucose from the bloodstream to the cells; resistance means it's harder to move glucose into the cells. The pancreas keeps pumping out more insulin anyway, and the result is more insulin in your bloodstream. High insulin levels cause a lot of metabolic disturbances that affect ovulation, so they should be avoided in a conception diet.

? Complex Carbs

Eat more complex ("slow") carbs and limit highly processed ones. Your body digests bad carbs (like cookies, cakes, white bread and white rice) quickly, and turns them into blood sugar. To drive down the blood-sugar spike, the pancreas releases insulin into the bloodstream –and studies have found that high insulin levels appear to inhibit ovulation.

? Good carbs (those containing fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains) are digested slowly and have a more gradual effect on blood sugar and insulin. Barely refined grains are superb sources of fertility-friendly B vitamins, vitamin E, and fiber. "Some of my favourites are buckwheat, which contains d-chiro-inositol, a compound that improves ovulation," Krieger says. It may also pay to break out of your rice and pasta rut and sample more diverse grains like amaranth, millet, and quinoa. They'll help keep you fuller longer and maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

? Protein

Get less protein from red meat and more fish. Chicken, turkey, pork, and beef trimmed of fat are great sources of protein, zinc, iron—all important building blocks for a healthy pregnancy. Steering clear of blubbery bits helps ensure you don't pack on excess weight, which disrupts estrogen levels and may also help you avoid organochlorine pollutants. These are chemicals that lurk in animal fats and are linked to conception delays, according to researchers at the National Institutes of Health. The exceptions to the skinny rule? Coldwater fish like salmon, canned light tuna, and sardines. They're an excellent source of DHA and omega-3 fatty acids; they also help develop the baby's nervous system and cut your risk of premature birth. You can eat them a couple of times a week in a fertility diet without worrying about mercury levels, Krieger says, but it's best to avoid other varieties, such as shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel. Eggs, too, are another potent protein source. "They get a bad rap from cholesterol, but the yolk has excellent stores of protein and choline, a vitamin that helps develop brain function in babies," she says.

? Dairy

Consume one or two servings a day of whole milk or other full-fat dairy foods, such as yogurt, and less non- and low-fat dairy. "We found that the more low-fat dairy products in a woman's diet, the more trouble she had getting pregnant," says Walter Willett, M.D., a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health and one of the study's authors. That’s because a high intake of low-fat dairy has been shown to raise the risk of ovulatory infertility, compared to high-fat dairy. Before you bust out the Chunky Monkey, however, look at ways you can swap one serving per day sensibly, perhaps by adding whole milk instead of skim to your tea.

If you're having continued trouble conceiving, you may want to consider limiting dairy from your fertility diet plan altogether. "We're being exposed to dairy in mass quantities that's more hormonally driven, meaning the production of cow dairy has become very chemically manipulated," Vitti says. "These excess hormones may disrupt the conversation that the brain is trying to have with the endocrine system, particularly your ovaries." Just make sure you consult your doctor about the best ways to supplement your calcium intake if you temporarily ditch dairy.

? Sugar

Cut down sugar levels, and stick to less-processed sweeteners. Concentrated doses of the sweet stuff can throw your blood sugar totally out of whack, creating issues with insulin and your general hormonal balance. Lay off the candies and desserts for your fertility diet plan, and don't forget about sneakier sugar bombs like fruit juice, energy drinks, and sweet teas. Sugared sodas, in particular, have been associated with ovulatory infertility. That doesn't mean you should use artificially sweetened products in their place. If you're craving sugary stuff (and who can blame you?), choose less-processed sweeteners with lower glycemic loads, such as agave syrup, honey, maple syrup, and stevia, a natural zero-calorie sweetener.

? Whole Foods

Choose whole foods over processed options. To witness the power of whole foods in action, look to our sisters in the Mediterranean. Their diet, which is rich in whole grains and vegetables, and has less processed meat, may protect against ovulatory dysfunction. A Spanish study of more than 2,000 women showed that only 17 percent of women who follow a strict Mediterranean diet had fertility issues, compared with 26 percent of women who ate fattier meats and more processed foods.

? Caffeine

Drink coffee, tea and alcohol in moderation, and avoid sugary drinks entirely. According to the Harvard study, one to two drinks of alcohol or several cups of coffee or tea a day had little effect on ovulation problems – but it could lead to dehydration. "Our morning cup of coffee is the worst thing we can do from the dehydration standpoint," says Angela Chaudhari, M.D., a gynecologic surgeon and assistant professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. In fact, both caffeine and alcohol are diuretics and can prevent your mucus membranes from staying moist, affecting the consistency of your cervical fluid. Limit caffeine intake from coffee, energy drinks, and teas to under 200 milligrams a day and restrict alcohol to two to three glasses spaced out over a week. You may want to up your intake of decaf teas. Some studies have shown that herbal tea may be a good fertility food for getting pregnant. 

? Vitamins to Increase Fertility

Take a daily multivitamin that contains at least 400 micrograms of folic acid and 40 to 80 milligrams of iron. Women in the Harvard study who took daily multivitamins containing 400 micrograms of folic acid were 40 percent less likely to experience ovulatory infertility over the eight years than women who didn't.

? Variety in a Fertility Diet

Mix up your plate. Regardless of how virtuous your fertility diet plan seems, too much of anything is never good for the body. "Even if you're eating homegrown tomatoes every day of your life, you might be getting too much of something in your soil," Krieger says. Now's the time to kick food jags—looking at you, mac 'n' cheese addicts—and round out your conception diet with a variety of foods from different parts of the country, even the world. 

? Fertility Foods for Men

Know the best fertility foods for men. It's easy to forget that your man brings a full 50 percent to the baby-making table. So if his diet would shame even Hamburglar, it's time for a revamp. "I'm not saying treat your man like a child, but if you cook and eat at home together, help make veggies a focus on his plate," Krieger says. Vitti advises guys to eat asparagus, sunflower seeds, and other foods rich in zinc to prevent testosterone from being converted to estrogen. Your man may also need to pass on the cheese plate for better male fertility: High dairy intake has been linked to poor sperm motility and concentration. You can also encourage him to take daily vitamins. Pre-natal vitamins on the market come in his and her packs with the vitamins for men including Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc, and Lycopene. Another superfood is oysters. On top of their aphrodisiac properties, the bivalves are rich in zinc, vitamin B12, and protein.

Thanks Dr. Garavelas for sharing your post. Kudos. Stay safe and healthy!



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