Ferris Wheels & Burgers: A Cure for Pride
Joel Rissinger
Field Shepherd and Pastor, Standing Stone Ministries, Author of the book, "Things Your Pastor Would Love to Say...(But Can't)."
I used to love the county fair in Pike, NY. I especially loved the food: caramel apples, ice cream, burgers, and more. One time, however, that really came back—or came up—to bite me.
I had eaten pretty much everything the fair had to offer. I topped it off with a burger covered with reconstituted onions, mustard, and ketchup. Yummy! Then, I rode the “Tile-A-Whirl” at exceptionally high speed.
Not good!
I immediately felt woozy…everything kept spinning, long after the ride was over. “I know,” I thought, “I’ll ride the Ferris Wheel! That’s nice and calm. That will help me!”
You know that feeling when your stomach rises into your chest as you’re dropping from the highest point on the wheel? Yeah! Well, my stomach rose alright—then hurled everything in it right over the edge. I barfed right into this girl’s hair below me. Not the way you want to "meet chicks" as a teenager. As soon as it stopped, I ran to the river behind the fairgrounds and washed my face and hands.
At that moment, I was anything but prideful. In fact, over the years, I've noted that it's tough to be cocky when your "hugging the porcelain throne." You can be proud during other times of life...but that's not one of them.
In Revelation 3:16, Jesus is so fed-up with the pridefulness and self-sufficiency of the church in Laodicea, he threatens to "vomit" her. It's almost as if the cure for pride is...well...to barf! In fact, reading the letter to Laodicea, it seems to hold true. Jesus tells her to: B.A.R.F...
B-uy gold and white robes picturing tested faith and righteousness.
A-noint her eyes with salve picturing the Holy Spirit giving her discernment.
R-epent and turn back to the truth.
F-ellowship with Him by letting him into their hearts and homes.
OK, so I know this is gross and that I'm having some fun with the text, so-to-speak. Still, since pride is the foundation of most sin and a common prerequisite for failure, these steps are helpful for all of us (Prov. 16:18, I Cor. 10:12, etc.). Society lies to us telling us that believing in ourselves, loving ourselves, focusing on our own needs, etc., etc.--will bring happiness. God, on the other hand, tells us to humble ourselves and HE will life us up (James 4:10).
So, while I don't recommend the Ferris Wheel after a trip to Burger King--I DO recommend humility as you seek success. God will work with you in this state and blessings will follow!
To that end,
Pastor Joel