Fentanyl catastrophe
Dr. Anna Maj ND
Helping doctors to have a remote, cash practice with use of 400 holistic apps
Please understand, that you don't have to be a so-called drug addict, or just land in that category by taking opioids for pain. Now, you can touch the opioid-like substance- and you may die from this unfortunate encounter.
I've been in practice for over 15 years. During this time, I had to develop an emotional shield when I saw my patients. This shield prevented me from getting tangled up in their emotions. It saved me from constant worries, but still allowed me to do my job.
However, what happened over the weekend in the US and Canada - enraged me.
On Friday, September 15th, 2023, the one-year-old toddler died in Bronx's daycare. The cause of his death was attributed to contact with fentanyl. Nicholas Feliz Dominici was found unresponsive in the daycare with suspected drug poisoning.
Three other children of that daycare were affected as well –most of them are fighting for their lives in the NYC hospitals at this moment.
Now, another case this weekend was a labrador retriever in British Columbia. He inhaled a fentanyl-like substance during his weekend walk. Charlie was successfully rescued by 2 doses of Naloxone (Narcan) and saved by his vet.
These two-weekend incidents show you that you don't have to be an active drug addict. You can incidentally stumble upon a substance that potentially can take your life.
Fentanyl is – a deadly synthetic opioid-like substance, that can kill instantly upon contact with your mucus membranes or inhalation. It most often looks like a white powder, which easily resembles other drugs, it's often distributed along with cocaine. It is very often unintentionally packaged and labeled the same way.
Please understand, that you no longer have to be a drug addict to die from a drug overdose.
Simply incidental contact with your mucus membranes, potential inhalation as it happened in the case of a dog can be enough to end your life.
What to do?
-Before you embark on that risky, potentially unnecessary surgery- go and get a second or a third opinion.
-Before you are about to take that opioid painkiller think about taking something else. Good choices are Acetaminophen or NSAIDs (non-steroidal inflammatory agents)
- Visit your chiropractor for routine maintenance of skeletal pain
- Visit your naturopathic doctor for prevention and holistic care of your health problem.
- Canada's pharmacies (British Columbia) distribute a Naloxone kit (opioid antidote)- it is best if you get one for yourself. You never know when you may need it. In the US there are various tests available, but be more oriented on a solution to the problem than testing.
- If you or your loved one has an opioid addiction problem- please seek help.
Opioid addiction kills 136 Americans every day.
It is the deadliest type of addiction that kills three times more people than cocaine.
It is more important than ever that you protect yourself and your loved ones.