What's Next in Feminism?
feminism [fem-uh-niz-uh m] the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men. -The Dictionary
Growing up, "Feminists" generally didn't have a great reputation, from what I personally heard or gleaned. It wasn't simply what was said, part of it was implied. These were "the angry ones", the ones who didn't listen to others, the ones who always had a sign in their hand, and hate in their heart, against whomever they perceived were the oppressors in the world. I never thought that I would be a Feminist. Of course, not all of that was true about these women. Feminists, like all groups, are diverse.
Fast forward.
Past my rise in corporate America, and several entrepreneurial ventures, to the space I have been in for 5 years now, which is Women Ignite International. I would have never dreamed that my target market would be women. Professional women. In fact, in my twenties, I would have laughed at the thought. Women, when we bind together, are one of the most beautiful, powerful groups of people! I have also found that sometimes, groups of women can be the most critical of others. Whether it's an event, project, or the retreat setting... It seems like it either goes great, or a few angry women can make a loud, negative noise.
I love all women.
And I love supporting women. I believe in equality and justice for all women, worldwide. And we have much good work yet to do in this space.
That said, since I have stepped into the target market of women with Women Ignite, I have been attacked, by other Women Feminists (there are Male Feminists, too), more than I can count. I know- "Don't take it personally!" And, I try not to. Yet, I wonder when this "friendly fire" will cease fire. It seems like a waste of good energy to me.
It's usually someone blowing up one of our pics and/or posts on social media, with an assumption about how we are lacking in diversity or awareness. (even though a singular post hardly depicts a whole organization or event) Or the times I get attacked for putting a man on our stage. *We predominately highlight the messages of amazing women.
In fact, I "get in trouble" with some women for the very things we say NOT to do as feminists, the very things we claim are wrong.
Wasn't it the false judgement that women were "less valuable" than men that got us in trouble to begin with? Then let us be fair, and value men equally to ourselves. If a picture is of a white person, does that automatically mean that people of color are not a part of the organization or event? Think again. Side note: Diversity, inclusion and social justice are a huge heartbeat of my message. Yes, I am white. This shouldn't automatically indicate that I do not care about this issue in our society.
Haven't we beat the drum that says "Don't judge someone by their color, gender, or religion." So, let's not judge another's intentions, biases, beliefs or core values by these very things.
As feminists, we say to choose the best person for the job, salary, role, award, or promotion- regardless of gender, color, religion or identity. We say that all people are equal. We say that we want respect. And, are we giving it?
I believe it's time we are 100% congruent with our own equality message.
A new wave of Feminism is needed. Not in assumptions, divisive words and judgements, but rather with radical love, compassionate education and unconditional respect. Not with condemnation when others do it differently than you, or say it differently, or use different modalities, platforms or people than you would choose. If anyone or any event makes positive impact, let's celebrate it! Let's honor it.
I believe we are ready for the next wave of Kind Feminism, that will model what we believe; that we are all created on purpose, for a purpose. That we are all valuable. That we all matter. That we all deserve a shot at being our unique selves, and making this world better.
With Love, Sheli G CEO WomenIgniteInternational.com