Feminist Voices

Feminist Voices

Feminism here, Feminism there.

It's the buzzword on everyone's lips. But let's dive deeper, beyond the buzz. I have been on a quest to unravel some thoughts emerging on Modern Feminism.

'I am a Feminist' receives eye rolls from a lot of people these days. A few of them are just trying to avoid 'mainstream culture like Nike Air force (maybe they can't afford it in the first place), and a few just think the meaning is too aggressive for them. A simple way to describe it is 'Equality' and 'Respect', no aggression, no hate for men, no hate for people choosing to be traditional, but just "equality' and 'respect'.

Merely a couple of years ago had it not been for our ancestral mothers, half of us would be chased off the streets for wearing shorts and must have been carrying children with no proper knowledge on how to care for them. Women bashing people who speak about equality should think, you would not have been able to do this if feminism didn't exist. Feminists don't want to be filled with testosterone and fight equally in the wrestling ring, they just demand same cerebral opportunities. To be not assumed unfit for a leadership role, to be not bashed for wearing what they want (pretty basic right?), to be taken seriously when voicing their opinions, to be not just thought of a treasure needing to be protected. My outspoken personality on my rights or what I want would be deemed as cruel, unloving brat, victim mentality even hysterical. While my soft spoken nature would be deemed as a girl needing protection, can be walked over, not fit for big roles, soft baby. You see the problem? We are a walking tea-talk magnate. Too bad feminists don't care what they think, it is not our problem.

Victim mentality is the tag given to women expressing the problems persisting in the society, expecting them to do certain things just because god decided she is going to be a woman. These are the things happening right now! These are not made up or imaginative. Perhaps those people haven't seen their mothers burnt because their father died, chased off the streets for wearing a piece of clothing, hit because they spoke up, denied jobs because she might carry a child in the future, disrespected or just reduced to caring and cooking for the family. 'Just because I am a woman' is a true, factual, disheartening 24 hr job we experience. Dude, my rights aren't up for debate - you can't simply ovary-rule them. (I don't care if it is cringe).

We don't hate men. Most of them are awesome and kind. I have seen a few radical feminists developing their philosophies centered around hating men and being unkind. I don't agree with them and I don't believe that is real feminism. Yes being bold is necessary and is a choice. But thinking men are awful is not true. Patriarchal men/women are awful, but not all men are patriarchal. Think of a random grandma asking you to marry a rich man, or cursing at you for wearing a tube top or stopping you from going out into the world 'just because you are a woman' and needing to be protected or asking you to value just your father's opinion. Is she a man? No. Is she patriarchal? Yes.

Cooking is not a sign of oppression. If your mom cooks for you out of care for you, she is not oppressed. She likes and enjoys doing it just like you might. If she is helped by male members of your family, you are probably in an equal, respectable and loving environment. If she is not, well you have a dad or a brother to raise.

It's okay to be traditional. You want to be a stay at home mom with a supportive partner? Perfect. Feminism has given you 'a choice' to do that. You are not automatically considered for only that job. It also gives opportunities to husbands if they want to be a stay at home dad. It doesn't decrease their masculinity or devalue femininity if a woman wants to be a bold CEO. It boils down to having and given a choice to be respected in whatever decision you make. On that note, I also don't believe in nonsense such as women shouting online on how they should be cared for financially 'just because they are women'.

Feminism is a significant moment - it's about time, literally. Anyway, I am tired of hearing how we don't drive well 'JUST BECAUSE I AM A WOMAN.' So, trying to live my life breaking the glass ceilings, not just cleaning it.


