Feminist Criminology: The Rising of the Branch

Feminist Criminology: The Rising of the Branch


When a crime is committed, it violates the broad public's directions and principles, even if only once in a while, for which legal discipline is prescribed. Individuals are obligated to labour in accordance with the laws. And there is always a mechanism for punishment when someone commits a crime. Women, as we all know, are a vital component of society and are regarded as nurturers because they perform multiple jobs such as wife, mother, daughter, and housekeeper. It was beyond the imagination of traditional criminologists that a woman could commit a crime, and the field of criminology excluded women from its research. Now comes the important part that, what is criminology, criminology is the study of crime and study of criminal justice, but in the feminist school of criminology, the main theory of criminology is centered towards the male subject, validity and that is focused on male victimized and according to the CRPC, the crime is divided into two heads 1) Cognizable 2) Non -Cognizable

Criminality amongst woman?

There are several significant difficulties that fuel female criminology and are considered to be critical and detrimental to the broader society. Criminals and crime have become a focal point of focus in today's culture. As the rate of crime rises day by day in India, it has been labelled as a male-dominated behaviour. However, these days, not only males, but even women, fall into this category. And, in today's world, a woman has many issues, frustrations, and tensions, as a result of which she can commit crimes and move toward criminality. They are involved in the criminal activities. As social conventions change on a daily basis, the society will evolve as well.

Often, in the present society criminality amongst woman has become a crucial problem because its impact on family, upbringing the children and the overall fabric of society. When topic of crime has recently developed into broad full of research in the field of social work, sociology and law.?

In older time, there was no more focus on the criminal behaviour of a woman, it was neglected.?

The historical revels the fact that the in the earlier time a woman was considered the foundation stone of the family in particular as well as society in general. as the civilized started, woman have been as preserves of social norms, traditions, customs, morality and family cohesiveness. The standard of woman is of very pride in every religion but according to the researchers it is found that now a says woman are also involved in doing crimes they, their criminality rates have been increasing even a woman is supposed to be the foundation of a house but as the modern time is coming, more woman are involving in crimes. It is always seen that women are involved in theft, robbery, kidnapping, dacoity, abduction, chain snatching, cheating and even murder too. Some cases can be seen that nowadays woman are misusing the rights which are given to them for their protection. The laws which are made for the safety of a woman but they are misused on many bases which is also a crime.

History of criminality amongst woman

Women were also criminals in the past, though not to the same extent as men, and it is impossible to say that they did not commit any crimes. Women's crimes received less attention in the past, but data shows that they are increasing at higher rates than they were previously.

Women have long been involved in various elements of social life, including academic, scientific, cultural, and other productive and non-productive activities, in today's world. Women's engagement in various sectors is increasing, which could be one of the causes contributing to the rise in female crime rates.

Female criminality in India?

In India the social environment also gives a contribution to the making of women criminals. In India the discrimination happens within the society, discrimination exists from birth until death the in the society.

According to the researcher, women are rapidly into the mainstream of society, and their percentage of crime in India and abroad is likewise on the rise. As a result of increased westernisation and urbanisation, female criminality has resulted in a variety of socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental causes. This might be taken into account these days because the female crime rate is on the rise, attracting the attention of sociologists and criminologists on a national and international level. It not only strikes at our social and cultural heritage, but it also has an impact on Indian society's social structure. Women are even seen to be resorting to crime as a result of the pervasiveness of the feminine role, regardless of whether the causes are biological or psychological. In accordance with the biological viewpoint, Caesar Lombroso contribution is considered as the foundation of the scientific study on female crimes. It was stated that female criminals are more terrible than the male criminals because cruelty by a female was much refined and diabolic than men. The thought of Lombroso was that shared many qualities with children and they were morally deficient and their lack of intelligence was the reason of their relatively small participation in crime Ferrero and Lombroso postulated a theory that was based on a belief that all individuals displaying antisocial behaviour were biological throwbacks.

The born female was said to have the criminal qualities of a man and the worst qualities of a woman. As a result, it is believed that Indian women are more likely to commit crimes as a result of societal or economic hardship than because they are biological relics. Women who are not docile and contradict their traditional roles as mothers and wives are now considered maladjusted from a psychiatric standpoint. Maladjusted women are unable or unwilling to internalise the values linked with their social roles. Emotional instability, insecurity, rejection, and frustration are all present among the female inmates. They had to deal with a variety of difficulties, including severe living conditions, heartbreak in love, and a slew of other unfortunate events, all of which made it tough for them to face the future.

When? stress gets higher or woman on average than for man, primarily due to belief opportunities, and fir conflicting message of motherhood verses work. Woman whose status is not so good and they experience higher stress. Woman many times afraid to express anger?

because? it could alienate those around them. So, they supposed anger and most of the women were coped by changing anger to guilt, failure and sadness.

When a woman exhibits high levels of tension, men react by exploding with episodes of intense uncontrollable aggression. When a situation has reached a breaking point, inadequate coping abilities and an overly controlling personality might lead to violence. And, from a phycological standpoint, the Indian situation is relevant because there are countless crimes committed as a result of depression and dissatisfaction.

Nowadays it is seen that feminist critique of the 150 years has managed to changed the way in which woman are viewed. No nowadays woman are more capable too, there is no doubt in this fact. All the management of the families are done by females only. But because of increasing the burden in this modern time, females are also changing with the time and their insolvent is increasing in crime (1) the marginal nature of women (2) the discrimination done between them, we can sometimes hear about the cases where at some workplaces a woman is not given proper salary in comparison of a male or another particular group or discrimination could also take place in families too many times it is seen that, discrimination occurs in this modern time too. Even the time has changed but it always happens in many societies sometimes on the basis of gender or some other preferences, and the next is (3) In today’s life, lifestyles are becoming very complex (4) As impact of media is increasing day by day this is also a one of a reason.?

Now, not only males but a female has a very big part of contribution in committing crimes in this time. As women are given more liberty, they can explore themselves with their knowledge and ability. Crimes are increasing per day so as a result the masculinization of women, their rates of criminality for both property and violent offence are increasing as well. Now, we can see that in comparison of old time the situation is improving day by day that is resulting into there are more explore on everything in every area. Woman could be very educated in future if she is very skilled and more educated and she can be economically independent in future. But if they are given equality in every sector then she could feel less burden on herself and this may be a possibility that the number of crime rate could be decreased according to the time. So, the criminology of feminist helps to put gender space into prospective and also shows that societal acceptance of gender equality eliminates blind spots. And the punishment for the criminology must be some for all the genders that could improve the situation and number of crimes increasing per day because of women may be reduced in number.

Global rises in female violence?

Male even dominate crime statics as offenders and prisoners a body of international and national trend data points to a consistent narrowing a gender gap like US, Canada, UK and Australia. According to a data in US, from the year 2000 to 2009 it showed that there were 18% increase in arrests compared to just a 0.2%, increase for similarity aged male (which was the data protected by US. Department of justice of 2010.) it also came out that arrest of female under age of 18 for disorderly conduct decreased by 8% while the arrest of males in this age group decreased by 8% one the same time frame.?

The case of a feminist who has experienced female assault Feminism was mistakenly blamed for the growth in female criminality and violence in popular culture at the time, and it is still wrongly blamed now. As a result, feminist researchers have tended to be receptive to arguments about increased rates of female criminality and violence. Even female violence defies feminists', attorneys', criminologists', media concentrators', policymakers', and parents' assumptions. And criminologists' thought has a long history of seeing violence as primarily a capacity connected with male sex, with no capacity for female sex to participate in the infliction of violence. Gendered components to the setting in which violence happens may be overlooked by essentialist thinkers.


One of feminist criminology's major accomplishments has been to draw critical attention to the reality that men's violence outnumbers that of women and girls. Now, the analysis must be intersectional, rather than focusing solely on gender. Now that the truth has been revealed, it will help to stimulate a continuing effort to overcome practical challenges in the implementation of regulations and measures, as this will lead to a common aim of improved outcomes for women inmates, their children, and their communities. When a court hears a case involving a woman who has committed a crime, it should consider why she did it. The society has perpetrated an injustice against a lady like pardah system, sati, youngster marriage and many more. Women in the earlier time were not allowed to read holy books, they were not given expansion for the governmental issues and for implementation of law. Now the ecological and financial elements are given significance for clarifying female criminality. So, female criminality uncovers that woman criminals contribute a numerically little extent than that of male offenders. It showed that there is an upward pattern in the quantity of crimes carried out by ladies.


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