Feminine communication
open brief in een fb groep over 'gepolariseerde relaties'

Feminine communication

About feminine communication

I like this group. It gave me the possibility to try something new. A new Groove. To open up my feminine, my feelings, in a Space being held by the masculine. By men.

It gave me insights in the heartfelt desires of women to enchant. To open up their feminine nature. To be seen. I was embarrassed by the way ‘decision making’ is taking away from them. Even in study or Living their purpose. “They could become masculine”. True!! But the feminine essence is taken away here from the field of economy. ‘The burdon’ men take to provide, the whole field of 'making money' stays masculine. A field that lacks feminine energy.

What I felt, if I may share? is that my feminine essence is banished to serve home, to serve the masculine. To serve the existing economy of paternalism. So men cán provide. Without changing the game of our economy and the world of power and games.

Although I deeply long for a man to surrender to … in private! I feel it is almost inappropriate to share my feelings and vulnerabitity to just ‘every man in this group’ or just ‘to men’. My deepest feelings are open to the men near me. They protect me. I listen to them. I trust their leadership and let them guide me while I feel respected in my own purpose and sovereignty.

A man in real life

In this group I met a man in real Life. He visited my book launche. We kept contact. He demanded feminine communication. While it was undefined if our meeting was private or professional. My profession is to balance feminine and masculine qualities (regardless gender ;-)) in men and women, in our economy and the leadership needed for a future in grace and abundance. So he approached me for my expertise. ánd as a woman. He demanded polarity. He hit my nerve and weakest spot of desire. Offcourse!

He touched my feminine desire to masculine presence. We did not romance. I was not attracted to him. And I guess he felt pity for me being too masculine…

In my work I use my masculine qualities, also to keep my feminine safe. My feminine essence blossoms and unfolds like a seed. I am proud of that. To bring my feminine up forward in my own work and Life. I provide also the space for the women I work with to do so. It is my work.

It is so beautiful and profound. To bring the feminine energy IN our economy, in our work.

After years of this work men start to show up to hold the space for us. Such a Grace. So we could surrender even more in our feminine nature. The women hessitate (cause we are unfamilair with these kind of masculine presence) and surrender. While being in their own balance. These men ask us to!

But this gift was nót given by the man who demanded polarity. Hé was acting like ‘ohhh look at her, she is still in her masculine’. And he did not honour my masculine qualities, needed in my work. A quality which is part of my being. So he rejected a vital part of me.

Which was being noticed by the men around me. In our ceremonial work.

In the end I percieved his attitude also disrespectful to the mén near me.

Who is he to demand me to be submissive to his Leadership? Who is he to neglect the men near me whom I listnen to and who give me guidance. And, who is he to demand ‘private communication’ while I am in a frontleaders role in my work?

in 2019 in mijn 'All is One' jurk in alle kleuren van het landschap...

Engage feminine qualities

I wanted to engage in this. In this group. In feminine communication. In polarity. So I took the experience and stepped into it. It has been of Great value. I love it!! And I took the teachings in my Heart and insights of our time.

I see how masculine behavior of woman is putting men aside. So they cannot step into their masculine quality. I practise this in my work and private life.

I also got ‘corrected’ in this group about a comment. I took it at Heart. And posted another comment, based on feminine communication. But I invited ‘Mansplaining’.

A man who explained me the subject. Which is my field of expertise. And then I noticed…

I am not taken seriously at all….

Next to my feelings I have so much to óffer to this world. Yes, I want to be held. My feminine wants to surrender to masculine Leadership. I am soooooooooo longing for masculine Leadership in this world. To guide us through these difficult times.

In CONNECTION and in VALUE of the feminine and in honour of the women who took the leap to open up the Space of the Heart and Heart-Consiousness in business. Where NO MAN would stand up for this value in the past decades. Oké, very few….

Serve mankind

That’s how high value women put their masculine upfront: to open the Heart Space in the middle of the ‘masculine driven battle field’. That is courageous. We needed our masculine qualities to do so. And bring the feminine quality in our economy and primary proces. Not hidden at home or in service of just óne man. I serve mankind.

I hope, if I may share, to rely on masculine presence in this, to hold the Space for us (so we can lean back) and put this whole thing forward with the masculine energy of decisiveness and resultdriven focus. In connection with the feminine.....

Oh, I am so longing for this.

My heartfelt desire.


Thank you. For listening. For holding the Space for me. So I can open up and show what lives in my Heart.

Noor / Eleonore



Ik postte dit zojuist in een groep over gepolariseerde relaties. Ik heb daarin met veel plezier deelgenomen, om te oefenen en in het licht van mijn onderzoek. Tradwives...... en het terugbrengen van de balans tussen feminiene en masculiene kwaliteiten.

en.... to bring back healthy masculine energy in men, and in our economy. In connection with the feminine. And.... to live OUR feminine essence.


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