Female misogony

Female misogony

What is misogyny?

Misogyny means hatred towards women. It can be presented as discrimination, prejudice, violence against women, sexual objectification, harassment, etc. Misogynists may see women as incomplete persons and use victim-blaming.

Is it the same thing as sexism?

Misogyny is linked with sexism but it’s more brutal. While sexism is a more general concept that covers many aspects, misogyny includes vicious actions, speech, and attitudes. For example, a sexist person may think of all women as fragile and incompetent but treat them well and respect them in some way. On the contrary, misogynists (both men and women) do not have such respect.

Does misogyny and sexism affect people’s mental health?

Unfortunately, yes. According to a feminist organization Young Women's Trust, young women who are facing sexism are 5 times more likely to develop clinical depression. According to other studies, the risks for anxiety, emotional distress, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as consequences of abuse are higher as well.

Another disturbing thing about misogyny is that women internalize it too. Because of facing discrimination, abuse, or sexist and misogynistic attitudes, they may incorporate this mindset. Then, they use such views toward themselves or even other women as a coping mechanism against external aggression and intolerance. However, it is a road to nowhere because this approach is stressful and affects mental health too.

What can each of us do about it?

  • Learn more about misogyny and spread awareness
  • Draw other’s attention to such cases and don’t let such behavior pass
  • Don’t allow others to hide misogyny under jokes
  • Set boundaries and express disapproval

If you notice your mental health getting worse because of sexism or misogyny, consider seeking help from a mental health professional. You’ll be able to share your concerns in a safe space and get support.

(Our webcite https://medvidi.com/ )



