Female? leadership: ?Are you ready for a ?robot workforce?

Female leadership: Are you ready for a robot workforce?

Global Female Leadership summit, Berlin June 2018

I had the opportunity to attend Global Female Leadership , Berlin June 2018. I knew nothing about robotics and bitcoins before going to Berlin. Now I know a few but the summit rose my curiosity about these topics , and even more. I wish to know what is the link between artificial intelligence, blockchain and female leadership. This article is about what I have learn in this event.

The intention for this international economic summit for women was to establish a global network of high-ranked female executives and thus to provide a platform for women to share a variety of thoughts, perspectives and solutions – we establish the “Davos for women“.

More than 250 high-profile women from the business world, and more than 60 internationally renowned speakers were present this year and had an inspiring dialogue. The dynamic developments of globalisation, the effects of digitalisation, the incredible possibilities of artificial intelligence, the working worlds and our values in leadership are topics which be our central challenge over the next few years. The motto of the 5th summit is: “The Values of Leadership in Times of Transformation, Disruption and Artificial Intelligence”.

The summit was organized in think talks, key speakers and panels discussions. I am not going to summary the talks. I wish to share with you the misatges , the ideas, and the quotes took my attention:

Kyung H. Yoon | Founder and CEO, Talent Age Associates, USA.We have not been afraid of robots, they are not able to create anything, humans do.

Roya Mahboob | Digital Citizen Fund, USA/Afghanistan.

We have to be able to move from human rights to cyber human rights. Internet needs to be open, free and secur
40% of the jobs will be automated in 20 years. How are we going to solve this? Focus on people. Some jobs will be merged, some will disappear and theses chances will not be in the same place. Prof. Dr. Svenja Falk | Accenture Research, Germany.

Susan Ferrier,KPMG International, Australia. As a leader you are watched all time. Leadership is a mindset for shared success Learning is a long life event. Leadership qualities: authenticity, listen, invest, permit and let go.

Tamara Braun, SAP SE Germany: I got the position I have now, I have a huge variety of functions. True humility is not to think less of yourself, It is to think of yourself less. Be in a continuous learning mode: humility, adaptability and engagement. You are your team need to be engage. Millennials have a lot of patient to explain their bosses about digitalization. Learn on the fly.

Ersilia Vaudo Scarpetta | European Space Agency, France.
Every time we look at sky, we are looking into the past. As a leader we have to be open to the future, to the inexplicable. Galaxies are cannibals. Andromeda is going to eat the earth. The Universe is unstable but silence
Andra Keay | SiliconValley Robotics, USA.Robots has to have a neutral voice to reduce the gender bias. 25 women in robotics

Cynthia Breazeal was not one of the GFL speakers but this is what she said in 2017:

Jibo founder Cynthia Breazeal.CREDIT: Courtesy Company

"I wanted to create robots with social and emotional intelligence that could work in collaborative partnership with people. In two to five years, I see social robots helping families with things that really matter, like education, health, eldercare, entertainment, and companionship," .

There were more than 300 femalle attendees, with a few brave men. Next to me, one of this brave men.

After coming back from de Summit, I have included some of my learnings in a presentation. This free webinar is aimed to support executive women to take their career to the next level and become a CEO. It is named " 5 ways to Fast-Track your climb up the ladder". You can look at the webinar going to my website https://35executivewomencoaching.com


