The Female Debate
Angela De Souza
Connecting Women to the Right People & Opportunities at Women's Business Club | Tech & Business Growth Strategist | Investor & Entrepreneur
I attended the Business Show at the Excel arena this week. Yes, I am feeling pretty shattered after hundreds of conversations! One thing that I can't stop thinking about though, is the number of people who have an opinion about us being a Women's Business Club. There are strong opinions for and against from both men and women alike. It's a difficult subject and it is a matter of opinion rather than a right or wrong scenario but it did get me thinking. After all these years of running a company that supports businesswomen, what is my core message really? As I chatted to people I listened to what I was saying. Some of what I said really felt good and I mentally stored it to use again. It's good to take time to listen to what comes out of your mouth sometimes, don't you think?
We need men to be men and women to be women in the workplace. There is no reason for a woman to try and be like a man to get ahead, quite the opposite. Men and women are different and need those differences to bring about a healthy synergy in the workplace. Women, just be yourself, you don't have to change to get ahead! Whatever that means to you, just be you! I actually wrote a book by that title - Being You, have a read.
This morning I thought I would share a few of my views and would love to hear yours too as long as you share them politely! No more hate mail please. Oh on that note, let me have a little rant before I get into it. A rather rude man attacked my 18 year old apprentice on her second day on the job about this very subject! He is very lucky I don't know his name as this is completely unacceptable on every level. She was completely shaken up and even on her appraisal mentioned this incident. This is not right, you may have a strong view, you may dislike us or even hate us, but please, don't attack my team! Another man (don't worry women have had their fair share of nastiness too) said this on my Facebook page, "I wonder what would be said if the men formed a Man’s Networking club?" Really? Men's clubs have been around for hundreds of years! One example is the Working Men’s Club and Institute Union (CIU) that Victorian social reformer and strict teetotaler Henry Solly first launched in 1862. His aim was to give the working man an education, middle-class values and, most of all, keep him out of the pub. He’d have probably turned in his grave if he’d have realised what he eventually unleashed across the country 100 or so years later.
Do you recall the scandal in January of these year - Should men-only business events be a thing of the past? There are many men only clubs, there always have been, but let's get back on topic!
Men and women are different
In a world where gender confusion is rife it's important to know what you believe and live according to your own convictions. Men and women are different! We are. This is not my opinion this is a fact. However, the differences are not based on who does the dishes or who brings in the bacon. These differences are merely personal preference. In our home we still enjoy a lot of the traditional, good old fashioned ways of running a home and raising our children. This isn't because we believe it is right or wrong but merely a choice, a preference. Many other men and women would choose to do things very differently. So let's shatter some of the sacred cows.
Work-life balance
Work-life balance is becoming more and more important to both genders. Where it was once traditional for women to stay home, clean the house and raise the children while the men go out to earn the money, we now see men opting for shared responsibility in these domestic duties, many because they too want the work-life balance and family time. Women too, are preferring to submerge themselves in a career and use their skills outside of the home and are really happy and thriving as they do so.
Emotions, tears and other fluffy stuff
When chatting to men about our Mastermind Boardroom I often mention how intense it can be and how there is often one of us who have a good little cry during these sessions! At first, I thought these comments would show why it is more for women to have this time together but over time I have heard many men say how they need a good cry too. Many men are just as emotional as women, where I once believed that was one thing that separated us I have come to realise it is not at all. However, I still can't visualise a room full of businessmen huddling around a man crying - you guys will probably respond to it differently.
Pink and blue
I only mention colour as this is one area that both men and women have on occasion been quite hostile about. Why pink? My response is always, it is a colour, our brand colour. Personally, I don't really like vibrant shades of red, but I don't go to Coke and tell them I won't drink their soft drink as I think their brand colour promotes anger. That would be silly and it's just as silly to say that you won't do business with us because we have a pink butterfly as a logo. Um. Ok. It's just a colour, and the meaning behind the butterfly is pretty powerful, not fluffy at all! My husband wears pink occasionally and looks pretty hot in it ;)
Scientific differences
Research has proven time and time again that we are different from a scientific point of view. Other than the obvious physical differences and our brains are wired differently too. I am always fascinated by the research and extremely fascinated by our brains - I can get lost for hours reading about this. Here is a great article from Standford Medicine and with a little Google research you will find a ton more.
OK enough fluffy stuff, let's talk about the important side of this debate. Why do I run a business that serve only women?
Women's Business Club
Our message is clear and strong and we are on a mission to reach all businesswomen in the UK and serve them as best we can.
Women's Business Club is a trusted business support community that exists to connect, support and empower women who are company directors.
We have chosen to serve women only to help them:
- Find their place: I struggled to find my place as a woman in the business world, now that I have I want to help others find their place too and you may be surprised to know that it has nothing to do with gender. My conclusion is that I succeed or fail not because I am a man or a woman but because I have made the right choices, connected with the right people and educated myself with the right information. This is nothing to do with gender! However, women need to know this so I serve them with this information and help them find their place too.
- Create a niche: We have chosen to serve female company directors both self employed and employed as well as their staff. This is our target audience and part of our niche happens to include gender. Many other businesses have gender as part of their niche. It is OK! It is a niche - all businesses should niche.
- Enjoy the journey: Some women just like to have time with other women. In the same way men just like to do things with men at times. Our business lunches are a great way for women to get out and lunch with other women around a clear business focus. That will never change, we will always love to hang out with other women from time to time.
- Build confidence: It's about building confidence and empowering women to stop holding back and start taking ground for what they want in life. You’ve probably heard the following statistic: Men apply for a job when they meet only 60% of the qualifications, but women apply only if they meet 100% of them. I have seen the same in business, women hold back too much and when a woman does succeed she is criticised by other women for doing so. The Women's Business Club helps women succeed and celebrate each other's successes. The highlight for us is our conference & awards where this all comes together at the end of each year. Join us on the 1st Wed of every December for Maximise!
- Make money: Too many women struggle in this area and those who succeed are strongly criticised. I am quite accustomed to businesswomen offering me a discount right away when pitching their product or services to me, I would have paid full price but am met with a discount immediately before I even get to open my mouth. This has never happened to me when doing business with a man. Ever! Women need to learn how to be comfortable with making money and we help women who want to succeed in business to make money. If you don't want to make money please don't join our club, yes we are all about making money. Unashamedly so!
- Make a difference: Those who know us know that giving back is a huge part of why we exist. The club works when we all work together, give to each other, support each other and build each other up as well as taking what we have gained and giving it back to our communities. We strongly urge our members to support charities and have partnered with Work for Good to make it easy to do so. Being generous is nothing to do with gender but making a difference is a strong desire for many women but they struggle to believe that they can do so. We encourage every woman to make a difference in their world through their business.
- Dress for success: Clothing actually does matter! It has a huge impact on reflecting who we are and attracting the the right people to our business. Few women know how to dress themselves, do their makeup and hair and present themselves in a way that is attractive to their ideal clients. I am on a mission to get women to stop holding back and sort out their appearance because it does matter in the business world. Get professional photos. Invest in a decent wardrobe. Learn how to put on your makeup. Stop these campaigns saying that you are beautiful just as you are so you don't need to bother with your outward appearance. You are your brand, are you reflecting it well or are your ideal clients flocking to your competitor who looks the part? Read Why Your Business Profile Affects Your Bottom Line
I've covered a lot here and been quite random however I do believe strongly that we do at the Women's Business Club matters. We have collected far too many success stories to doubt that we are making a difference. I would love to hear your views, men and women, especially personal convictions as opposed to right and wrong. Do you feel men and women do business differently and have different needs?
* Disclaimer - this is a piece from the heart on a Saturday morning, please be kind and point out any spelling or grammar mistakes and understand this is not a professional piece of copy but merely a little bit of heartfelt sharing. Despite my best efforts I am like to miss a few words or letters here and there.